Discussion Papers, Europa-Kolleg Hamburg - Institute for European Integration

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 44
2023Die Einsamkeit des Prekariats und die Bedürfnisse des "Wir": Warum es notwendig ist, das Konzept der gemeinsamen Bedürfnisse in die Definition des Prekariats aufzunehmenLuppi, Roberto
2021EU-US climate cooperation: Challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the Paris agreementStranadko, Nataliya
2021Transparency in the extractive industries sector as a legal tool for strengthening good governance: The EU's approachAbdulatova, Nilyufar
2020Die Target-Salden in der Eurozone: "Falle" oder Scheinproblem?Eger, Thomas; Weise, Peter
2020Bridging the gap in transatlantic data protectionMaldonado, Eric
2020Standing before the second Lisbon decade: The legal discourse on the future of European integrationMartini, Stefan
2020Please don't hurt me, I will rate you: Reputation systems as self-regulatory mechanisms for the sharing economyStergiou, Paraskevi (Vivian) M.
2020European identity discourses in the contested neighborhood of Europe and Russia: The case of UkraineMinesashvili, Salome
2019Im Dienste der Demokratie? Das institutionelle Gleichgewicht in der gemeinsamen Handelspolitik der EUTerhechte, Jörg Philipp
2018The recent challenges for the European system of fundamental rights: Protocol No. 16 to the ECHR and its role facing constitutional and European Union level of protectionZampetti, Giovanni
2018Revisiting public support for the euro, 1999-2017: Accounting for the crisis and the recoveryRoth, Felix; Baake, E.; Jonung, Lars; Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas
2018Official communications of the European External Action Service with Russia: Crafting the image of normative power EuropeIgumnova, Lyudmila
2017Competition and the public interest in the digital market for informationLombardi, Claudio
2017European political parties and European public space from the Maastricht Treaty to the Reg. No. 1141/2014Saitto, Francesco
2016EU integration and the introduction of State aid control in Serbia: Institutional challenges and reform prospectsMilenkovic, Marko
2016The extraterritorial reach of EU competition law revisited: The "effects doctrine" before the ECJBehrens, Peter
2016Domestic facilitators and impediments to EU democracy promotion in its Eastern neighbourhood: The cost-benefit balance of norm adoptionBuscaneanu, Sergiu
2015The passing-on of price overcharges in European competition damages actions: A matter of causation and an issue of policyLombardi, Claudio
2015The adjustment of Moldova's competition law to European Union competition lawBologan, Dumitriţa
2015EU security practices in Eastern Europe: Extending European peace or managing risks?Dobrescu, Mădălina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Titel in absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 44
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