WIDER Discussion Papers, United Nations University (UNU)

ISSN: 1609-5774

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 413
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Understanding the African growth record: The importance of policy syndromes and governanceFosu, Augustin Kwasi
2009The global economic crisis: Towards syndrome-free recovery for AfricaFosu, Augustin Kwasi; Naudé, Wim
2009Aid and growth: Have we come full circle?Arndt, Channing; Jones, Sam; Tarp, Finn
2009Revisiting the global food architecture: Lessons from the 2008 food crisisChristiaensen, Luc
2009The financial crisis of 2008 and the developing countriesNaudé, Wim
2008Hoping or discounting the future: A new perspective on the transmission of HIV/AIDSBarnett, Tony
2008Health and labour market participation in UgandaBridges, Sarah; Lawson, David
2008China, India, Brazil and South Africa in the world economy: Engines of growth?Nayyar, Deepak
2008Entrepreneurial ventures and the developmental state: Lessons from the advanced economiesLazonick, William
2008Does aid mitigate external shocks?Collier, Paul; Goderis, Benedikt
2008Southern engines of global growth: Very long cycles or short spurts?Desai, Meghnad
2008The world distribution of household wealthDavies, James B.; Sandström, Susanna; Shorrocks, Anthony; Wolff, Edward N.
2008Measurement and explanation of inequality in health and health care in low-income settingsvan Doorslaer, Eddy; O'Donnell, Owen
2007Aid to fragile states: Do donors help or hinder?Browne, Stephen
2007Big push versus absorptive capacity: How to reconcile the two approachesGuillaumont, Patrick; Guillaumont Jeanneney, Sylviane
2007Loans or grants?Cohen, Daniel; Jacquet, Pierre; Reisen, Helmut
2007Geography and development in Africa: Overview and implications for regional cooperationNaudé, Wim
2007Do donors target aid in line with the Millennium Development Goals? A sector perspective of aid allocationThiele, Rainer; Nunnenkamp, Peter; Dreher, Axel
2007Peace, prosperity and pro-growth entrepreneurshipNaudé, Wim
2006The international mobility of talent and its impact on global developmentSolimano, Andrés
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 413