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Discussion Paper No. 2012/83
Turkish Economic Association, Ankara
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
This paper aims to contribute understanding of industrial dynamics of Gaziantep Province. The analysis is based on the survey data obtained in the research project named Industrial Inventory of SEAP and Transformation Tendencies in Industry funded by TUBITAK. The survey data was obtained by face to face interviews in 2057 companies in Gaziantep. But, the response rate was % 51,35 , in other words, 1056 companies were included in this paper. The inquiry consisted of 120 questions that are either multiple choice or short answer. For this study, 40 variables were chosen from the survey results which might indicate industrialization dynamics of Gaziantep. SPSS software version 15.0 was used to perform statistical analysis. First, frequency distribution tables were composed for each question and comparisons through cross-tabulations were performed to assess relations between categorical variables. At this stage, main findings were discussed and illustrated with summary tables and figures. Then, a logistic regression model was created and to formalize the study, variables that can possibly have influences on the competitiveness and export dynamics of the companies in Gaziantep were determined. According to this analysis; working capital, capacity use ratio, firm scale, ownership of firms' property, computerization of firms and educational attainment are found to be important variables for competitiveness of the firms in the district of Gaziantep.
Regional Economics
Industry of Gaziantep
Logistic Regression Analysis
Working Paper

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