Bath Papers in International Development and Wellbeing, Centre for Development Studies (CDS), University of Bath

ISSN: 2040-3151

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 71
2023Digital cash transfers from the perspective of intended beneficiaries: A comparative exploration of effectivenessAl Fara, Heba
2022Can India universalize social insurance before its demographic dividend ends? The principles and architecture for universalizing social security by 2030Mehrotra, Santosh K.
2022Afterglow? The long-term influence of development finance institutions on firms' environmental, social and governance (ESG) policiesKelk, Stephane; Copestake, James G.
2022Global compact on refugees: A transformative moment in refugee policy?Al Fara, Heba
2022Human-centred design in UK asylum social protectionJames, Michelle L.; Forrester-Jones, Rachel
2022A minimum income guarantee in India: Social assistance for a post-pandemic worldMehrotra, Santosh K.; Rajagopalan, Anjana; Kumar, Rakesh Ranjan
2022Displaced population groups' access to mental health services in Bangladesh and UgandaAlamgir, Fariba; Pincock, Kate; Mitu, Khadija; Hiller, Rachel; Dalmatius, Munguleni
2021An ecological basic income? Examining the ecological credentials of basic income through a review of selected pilot interventionsLangridge, Nicholas
2021The sustainable development goals and the University of Bath: An opportunitySchantz, Nichole M.; Charles, Aurelie; Copestake, James G.
2021Beyond resistance: The role of prefiguration in social movements addressing the climate crisisEvans, Hamish
2020Friend or patron? Social relations across the national NGO-donor divide in GhanaKumi, Emmanuel; Copestake, James G.
2020An investigation of the factors affecting ownership and use of bank accounts in GhanaLarquemin, Aurélie
2020Organizing for the future beyond the Coronacrisis: A UK perspectiveHoward, Neil
2020Expanding education opportunities in protracted emergencies: A case of two schools in one in Kakuma refugee campAkello, Sandra; Njogu, Marangu; Isaboke, Darius
2019The effect of cash transfers on mental health: New evidence from South AfricaOhrnberger, Julius; Fichera, Eleonora; Sutton, Matt; Anselmi, Laura
2018Local currency adoption and use: Insights from a realist evaluation of the Bristol PoundJohnson, Susan; Harvey-Wilson, Helen
2018Digitising social protection payments: Progress and prospects for financial inclusionIazzolino, Gianluca
2018Moralities of wellbeingWhite, Sarah C.
2017Chieftaincy and the distributive politics of an agricultural input subsidy programme in a rural Malawian villageWroe, Daniel
2017Domestic resource mobilisation strategies of national non-governmental development organisations in GhanaKumi, Emmanuel
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 71