ECB Occasional Paper Series, European Central Bank (ECB)

ISSN: 1725-6534

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 368
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025The intersection between climate transition policies and geoeconomic fragmentation: A report of the International Relations Committee Network on climate changeWeber, Pierre-François; Afota, Amandine; Attinasi, Maria-Grazia; Boeckelmann, Lukas; Brueggemann, Axel; De Gaye, Annabelle; Dieppe, Alistair; Faubert, Violaine; Grieco, Fabio; Le Roux, Julien; Meunier, Baptiste; Munteanu, Bogdan; Nobletz, Capucine; Norring, Anni; Reininger, Thomas; Skackauskaite, Ieva; Suárez-Varela, Marta; Svartzman, Romain; Valadier, Cécile; Vlajie, Diana; Wilbert, Lucia; Zaghini, Andrea
2025Investing in Europe's green future: Green investment needs, outlook and obstacles to funding the gapNerlich, Carolin; Köhler-Ulbrich, Petra; Andersson, Malin; Pasqua, Carlo; Abraham, Laurent; Bańkowski, Krzysztof; Emambakhsh, Tina; Ferrando, Annalisa; Grynberg, Charlotte; Groß, Johannes; Hoendervangers, Lucia; Kostakis, Vasileios; Momferatou, Daphne; Rau-Goehring, Matthias; Rariga, Erzsebet-Judit; Rusinova, Desislava; Setzer, Ralph; Spaggiari, Martina; Tamburrini, Fabio; Vendrell Simon, Josep Maria; Vinci, Francesca
2024A forward-looking tracker of negotiated wages in the euro area: Eurosystem wage tracker expertsGórnicka, Lucyna; Koester, Gerrit
2024Challenges for monetary and fiscal policy interactions in the postpandemic eraBonam, Dennis; Ciccarelli, Matteo; Gomes, Sandra
2024Digitalisation and productivity: A report by the ESCB expert group on productivity, innovation and technological changeBijnens, Gert; Botelho, Vasco; Falck, Elisabeth; Labhard, Vincent; Lamo, Ana; Röhe, Oke; Schroth, Joachim; Sellner, Richard; Strobel, Johannes
2024Digital innovation and banking regulationPapathanassiou, Chryssafoula
2024ECB macroeconometric models for forecasting and policy analysis: Development, current practices and prospective challengesCiccarelli, Matteo; Darracq Pariès, Matthieu; Priftis, Romanos
2024The impact of climate change and policies on productivity: A report of the ESCB Expert Group on productivity, innovation and technological changesAnyfantaki, Sofia; Colciago, Andrea; De Mulder, Jan; Falck, Elisabeth; Labhard, Vincent; López-García, Paloma; Lourenço, Nuno; Meriküll, Jaanika; Parker, Miles; Röhe, Oke; Schroth, Joachim; Schulte, Patrick; Strobel, Johannes
2024What caused the euro area post-pandemic inflation? An application of Bernanke and Blanchard (2023)Arce, Óscar; Ciccarelli, Matteo; Kornprobst, Antoine; Montes-Galdón, Carlos
2024The sectoral systemic risk buffer: General issues and application to residential real estate-related risksBehn, Markus; Abreu, Daniel; Ciampi, Francesco; Ciocchetta, Federica; Cornacchia, Wanda; Drenkovska, Marija; Forletta, Marco; Fritz, Benedikt; Geiger, Sebastian; Jarmulska, Barbara; Melnychuk, Mariya; Meusel, Steffen G.; Perales, Cristian; Reginster, Alexandre; Ryan, Ellen; Rychtárik, Štefan; Serra, Diogo; Tereanu, Eugen; Tumino, Marcello; Vilka, Ilze; Virel, Fleurilys
2024Intangible assets of multinational enterprises in Ireland and their impact on euro area activityAndersson, Malin; Blatnik, Nina; Byrne, Stephen; Emter, Lorenz; Pardo, Belén Gonzalez; Jarvis, Valerie; Schmitz, Martin; Zorell, Nico; Zwick, Christoph
20242023 macroprudential stress test of the euro area banking system. Bank resilience in a changing environment: challenges and opportunitiesCappelletti, Giuseppe; Dimitrov, Ivan; Le Grand, Catherine; Naruševičius, Laurynas; Nunes, André; Podlogar, Jure; Röhm, Nicola; Ter Steege, Lucas
2024Enhancing repo market transparency: The EU Securities Financing Transactions RegulationBassi, Claudio; Grill, Michael; Hermes, Felix; Mirza, Harun; O'Donnell, Charles; Wedow, Michael
2024The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and policy support on productivity: A report of the ESCB Expert Group on productivity, innovation and technological changeAnastasatu, Marianthi; Anyfantaki, Sofia; Benkovskis, Konstantins; Bergeaud, Antonin; Bun, Maurice; Bunel, Simon; Colciago, Andrea; De Mulder, Jan; Fantino, Davide; González López-Valcárcel, Beatriz; Havel, Jiri; Jarvis, Valerie; Khametshin, Dmitry; Kolaiti, Tetie; Krasnopjorovs, Olegs; Lebastard, Laura; López-García, Paloma; Martins, Fernando; Meinen, Philipp; Meriküll, Jaanika; Parker, Miles; Raos, Josip; Serafini, Roberta; Šelebaj, Domagoj; Szörfi, Béla; Vaénko, Milan; Vanhala, Juuso; Volk, Matjaz
2024Advancements in stress-testing methodologies for financial stability applicationsBudnik, Katarzyna; Marques, Aurea Ponte; Ben Hadj, Saifeddine; Georgescu, Oana-Maria; Giglio, Carla; Grassi, Alberto; Durrani, Agha; Figueres, Juan Manuel; Konietschke, Paul; Le Grand, Catherine; Metzler, Julian; Ortl, Aljosa; Población García, Javier; Shaw, Frances; Trachana, Zoe; Chalf, Yasmine; Groß, Johannes; Sydow, Matthias; Franch, Fabio
2024The path to the reformed EU fiscal framework: A monetary policy perspectiveHaroutunian, Stephan; Bańkowski, Krzysztof; Bischl, Simeon; Bouabdallah, Othman; Hauptmeier, Sebastian; Leiner-Killinger, Nadine; O'Connell, Marguerite; Oleaga, Iñigo Arruga; Abraham, Laurent; Trzcinska, Agnieszka
2024Central bank digital currency and monetary policy implementationCaccia, Enea; Tapking, Jens; Vlassopoulos, Thomas
2024Digital euro safeguards - Protecting financial stability and liquidity in the banking sectorLambert, Claudia; Meller, Barbara; Pancaro, Cosimo; Pellicani, Antonella; Radulova, Petya; Soons, Oscar; van der Kraaij, Anton
2024Toss a stablecoin to your banker: Stablecoins' impact on banks' balance sheets and prudential ratiosCoste, Charles-Enguerrand
2024The euro area business cycle and its driversRodriguez Palenzuela, Diego; Grigoraș, Veaceslav; Saiz, Lorena; Stoevsky, Grigor; Tóth, Máté; Warmedinger, Thomas
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 368