ECONtribute Discussion Papers, Reinhard Selten Institute (RSI)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 355
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025Distributional dynamicsBayer, Christian; Calderon, Luis; Kuhn, Moritz
2025Unintended effects of transparency: The consequences of income disclosure by politiciansNeisser, Carina; Wehrhöfer, Nils
2025Assortative matching, interbank markets, and monetary policyBittner, Christian; Jamilov, Rustam; Saidi, Farzad
2025ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy: Agenda und ausgewählte ForschungsschwerpunkteBayer, Christian; Bierbrauer, Felix; Ockenfels, Axel; Sutter, Matthias
2025Sticky modelsGrass, Paul; Schirmer, Philipp; Siemers, Malin
2024No more cost in translation: Validating open-source machine translation for quantitative text analysisLicht, Hauke; Sczepanski, Ronja; Laurer, Moritz; Bekmuratovna, Ayjeren
2024Who are they talking about? Detecting mentions of social groups in political texts with supervised learningLicht, Hauke; Sczepanksi, Ronja
2024The hold-up problem with flexible unobservable investmentsKrähmer, Daniel
2024Women's missing mobility and the gender gap in higher education: Evidence from Germany's university expansionBoelmann, Barbara
2024Misperceived effectiveness and the demand for psychotherapyRoth, Christopher; Schwardmann, Peter; Tripodi, Egon
2024Ends versus means: Kantians, utilitarians, and moral decisionsBénabou, Roland; Falk, Armin; Henkel, Luca
2024Political activists are not driven by instrumental motives: Evidence from two natural field experimentsHager, Anselm; Hensel, Lukas; Hermle, Johannes; Roth, Christopher
2024Performative state capacity and climate (in)actionFeld, Immanuel; Fetzer, Thiemo
2024Informal elections with dispersed information: Protests, petitions, and nonbinding votingEkmekci, Mehmet; Lauermann, Stephan
2024Learning in a complex world insights from an OLG lab experimentHommes, Cars H.; Huber, Stefanie J.; Minina, Daria; Salle, Isabelle
2024Auctions with frictions: Recruitment, entry, and limited commitmentLauermann, Stephan; Wolinsky, Asher
2024Player strength and effort in contestsGiebe, Thomas; Gürtler, Oliver
2024Bargaining with binary private informationDilmé, Francesc
2024Informational boundaries of the stateFetzer, Thiemo; Shaw, Callum; Edenhofer, Jacob
2024Depression stigmaRoth, Christopher; Schwardmann, Peter; Tripodi, Egon
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 355