Working Papers, Örebro University School of Business

ISSN: 1403-0586

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 219
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025"Behind blue eyes": The valuation of knowing someone who attempted or died by suicide in SwedenAndrén, Daniela
2025Neo-Schumpeterian growth theory: Missing entrepreneurs results in incomplete policy adviceHenrekson, Magnus; Johansson, Dan
2024Subdiffusive option price model with inverse Gaussian subordinatorShchestyuk, Nataliya; Tyshchenkob, Sergii
2024Forecast model of the price of a product with a cold startDrin, Svitlana
2024US interest rates: Are relations stable?Karlsson, Sune; Kiss, Tamás; Nguyen, Hoang; Österholm, Pär
2024Regional location of business sector research and developmentEliasson, Kent; Hansson, Pär; Lindvert, Markus
2024The method of moments for multivariate random sumsJaved, Farrukh; Loperfido, Nicola; Mazur, Stepan
2024Artificial intelligence and worker stress: Evidence from GermanyKoch, Michael; Lodefalk, Magnus
2024Yet another case of Nordic exceptionalism? A quantitative approach to an intra-Nordic and an international comparison of supreme courts' constitutional reasoningPettersson, Nicklas; Kelemen, Katalin
2024VAR models with fat tails and dynamic asymmetryKiss, Tamás; Mazur, Stepan; Nguyen, Hoang; Österholm, Pär
2024Minimum VaR and minimum CvaR optimal portfolios: The case of singular covariance matrixGulliksson, Mårten; Mazur, Stepan; Oleynik, Anna
2024Artificial intelligence, hiring and employment: Job postings evidence from SwedenEngberg, Erik; Hellsten, Mark; Javed, Farrukh; Lodefalk, Magnus; Sabolová, Radka; Schroeder, Sarah; Tang, Aili
2024"Stand by me": Unveiling the value of own and others' mental illnessAndrén, Daniela
2024The value of safety or the value of the good?Järnberg, Linda Andersson; Andrén, Daniela; Börjesson, Maria Bratt; Hultkrantz, Lars; Rutström, Eva Elisabet; Vimefall, Elin
2023Market participants or the random walk: Who forecasts better? Evidence from micro-level survey dataKiss, Tamás; Kladivko, Kamil; Silfverberg, Oliwer; Österholm, Pär
2023Services in the India-EU Free Trade AgreementNordås, Hildegunn Kyvik
2023Time tracking in home care: Perceptions and realityJordahl, Henrik; Blix, Mårten; Moberg, Linda; Persson, Lovisa
2023Does eligibility requirements matter for academic achievements? A quasi-experimental retrospective study of students studying intermediate statisticsPettersson, Nicklas; Karlsson, Niklas; Andrén, Daniela
2023A note of caution on the relation between money growth and inflationBerger, Helge; Karlsson, Sune; Österholm, Pär
2023The evolution of the natural rate of interest: Evidence from the Scandinavian countriesArmelius, Hanna; Solberger, Martin; Spånberg, Erik; Österholm, Pär
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 219