SustainableFood Discussion Papers, Research Training Group (RTG) 2654: "Sustainable Food Systems", University of Göttingen

ISSN: 2750-1671

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 21
2025A fruitful endeavor: Smallholders' climate change adaptation strategies through tree species selection for plantingMüting, Luisa; Mußhoff, Oliver
2025Cattle grazing under trees: German farmers' intentions to adopt modern silvopastoral systems under climate change risk perceptionsPallauf, Magdalena; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan; Hüttel, Silke
2025Reconstructing the Ecuadorian short food supply chain consumer profileArcia, Karen; Thies, Annika Johanna; Ramos, Albaluz; Arboleda, Adriana
2024Livelihood diversification and nutrition in the Indian rural-urban interfacePurushotham, Anjali; Steinhübel, Linda
2024Market food environments and child nutritionHuelsen, Vivien; Khonje, Makaiko; Qaim, Matin
2024Driving public support for a meat tax: Fiscal policies and behavioral interventionsErhard, Ainslee; Banerjee, Sanchayan; Morren, Meike
2024Total factor productivity, deforestation, and voluntary sustainability standards: Evidence from Rwandese coffee farmersPaz, Bruno; Dalheimer, Bernhard; Wollni, Meike
2024Much more than just an ingredient: Palm oil and its consumer perspectives in IndonesiaLieke, Sophie-Dorothe; Adhi, Andriyono Kilat
2024Investigating market power in the German dairy industryWehner, Jasmin; Feil, Jan-Henning; Yu, Xiaohua
2024Drivers of the global thirst for milkWehner, Jasmin; Yu, Xiaohua
2024Women's roles in decision-making and nutrition-sensitive agricultureMohammed, Feiruz Yimer; Khonje, Makaiko G.; Qaim, Matin
2024Do voluntary sustainability standards improve socioeconomic and ecological outcomes? Evidence from Ghana's cocoa sectorWätzold, Marlene Yu Lilin; Abdulai, Issaka; Cooke, Amanda; Krumbiegel, Katharina; Ocampo-Ariza, Carolina; Wenzel, Arne; Wollni, Meike
2024Cultivating change: Exploring the link between certification, dietary quality and women's empowerment among coffee farmers in RwandaBohn, Sophia; Wollni, Meike; Paz, Bruno
2024Nitrogen and Phosphorus pollution mitigation through down-scaling cattle production in GermanyArcia, Karen; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan
2024Sectoral trade effects of heterogeneous environmental provisions in trade agreements: Exploring the marginsMkandawire, Petros Suzgo Kayovo; Fiankor, Dela-Dem; Martínez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Brümmer, Bernhard
2024Developing a multidimensional resilience index for farm households: A food system approachSquarcina, Margherita; Hänsch, Juliane; Montoya Cepeda, Florena M.; Pallauf, Magdalena; Paz, Bruno; Stehl, Jonas; Wehner, Jasmin; Wollni, Meike
2024Targeted trade policy instruments and climate change mitigation: The case of environmental provisions in trade agreementsMkandawire, Petros Suzgo Kayovo; Fiankor, Dela-Dem; Brümmer, Bernhard
2024Nuts about trees? Smallholders' diverse agroforestry systems and their relationship to groundnut yields in the Senegalese Groundnut BasinMüting, Luisa; Mkandawire, Petros Suzgo Kayovo; Mußhoff, Oliver
2023Public acceptance of default nudges to promote healthy and sustainable food choicesLemken, Dominic; Wahnschafft, Simone; Eggers, Carolin
2022Information Source and Content – Drivers for Consumers' Valuation of Fairly Traded Foodsvon Grafenstein, Liza; Iweala, Sarah; Ruml, Anette
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 21