Working Papers "Sustainability and Innovation", Fraunhofer ISI

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 197
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025Dimensions of systems and transformations: A scoping method for transitions case studiesKöhler, Jonathan Hugh; Edler, Jakob; Schiller, Katharina; Wydra, Sven
2024Energy efficiency policies across the EU and their impact on alleviating energy poverty: Insights from the MURE databaseHeller, Anna Lena; Brunzema, Iska; Schlomann, Barbara
2024Requirements of German logistics companies for charging battery-electric trucks: Results of a combined survey and interview studyScherrer, Aline; Helferich, Marvin; Speth, Daniel; Link, Steffen
2024Optimized demand-based charging networks for long-haul trucking in EuropeLange, Jan-Hendrik; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick
2024Analyse der Einsparpotenziale an Energie und CO2-Emissionen im deutschen Gebäudebestand unter verschiedenen SzenarienAlibaş, Şirin; Bagheri, Mahsa; Yu, Songmin
2024Alternative Antriebe im SchienenverkehrFrank, Fabio; Gnann, Till
2024Klimawirkungen von Maßnahmen im Verkehr: Eine Literaturstudie zu Benutzervorteilen, Parkraummanagement und Maßnahmen zum massiven ÖPNV-AusbauSieber, Niklas; Krail, Michael; Hölzemann, Charlotte
2024Price pass-through of CO₂ costsBreitschopf, Barbara; Lotz, Meta Thurid; Marscheider-Weidemann, Frank
2024Preference for design elements of financial participation and nonmonetary effects of using energy transition technologies - survey resultsBreitschopf, Barbara; Billerbeck, Anna
2024Agent-based simulation for market diffusion of passenger cars and motorcycles BEV in Greater Jakarta AreaNugroho, Rizqi Ilma; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Purwanto, Widodo Wahyu; Hanafi, Jessica; Soehodho, Sutanto
2024Is the share of renewable electricity in vehicle charging still above the grid mix in Europe?Preuß, Sabine; Kunze, Robert; Scherrer, Aline; Zwirnmann, Jakob; Rummel, Alexandra
2023Preferred design elements of the energy transition: From the perspective of householdsBreitschopf, Barbara; Büttner, Isabelle; Burghard, Uta
2023Public charging requirements for battery electric long-haul trucks in Europe: A trip chain approachShoman, Wasim; Yeh, Sonia; Sprei, Frances; Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel
2023Energy transition: Financial participation and preferred design elements of German citizensBreitschopf, Barbara; Burghard, Uta
2023Scenarios of a desirable and fair energy transitionDönitz, Ewa; Breitschopf, Barbara; Burghard, Uta
2023Public charging locations for battery electric trucks: A GIS-based statistical analysis using real-world truck stop data for GermanyAuer, Judith; Link, Steffen; Plötz, Patrick
2023Greenhouse gas emission budgets and policies for zero-carbon road transport in EuropePlötz, Patrick; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Sprei, Frances; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Neuner, Felix; Link, Steffen
2023German banks on the way to climate neutrality? A review of the situationWilhelm, Maike; Aydemir, Ali; Rohde, Clemens
2022Industrial excess heat and residential heating: Potentials and costs based on different heat transport technologiesFritz, Markus; Werner, Dorian
2022Markthochlaufszenarien für Elektrofahrzeuge: Rückblick und Ausblick bis 2030Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Wietschel, Martin; Krail, Michael
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 197
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