Arbeitspapiere "Unternehmen und Region", Fraunhofer ISI

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 68
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025Structural change through innovation: New elements in funding guidelinesWittmann, Florian; Schnabl, Esther; Zenker, Andrea
2022Transformative Entwicklungsprozesse in strukturschwachen Regionen des WandelsKoschatzky, Knut; Hansmeier, Hendrik; Schnabl, Esther; Stahlecker, Thomas; Wittmann, Florian; Zenker, Andrea
2022Regional perspectives on socio-technical transitions: Combining research insights from geography of innovation and transition studiesHansmeier, Hendrik; Koschatzky, Knut; Zenker, Andrea; Stahlecker, Thomas
2020Potentials and role of peripheral or weakly structured regions in national innovation systemsKroll, Henning; Koschatzky, Knut
2019Innovationsbasierter regionaler Strukturwandel: Strukturschwache Regionen in DeutschlandKoschatzky, Knut; Kroll, Henning
2018Innovation-based regional structural change: Theoretical reflections, empirical findings and political implicationsKoschatzky, Knut
2018Politische Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung von innovationsbasiertem regionalen StrukturwandelKoschatzky, Knut; Kroll, Henning; Meyborg, Mirja; Schnabl, Esther; Stahlecker, Thomas
2017The challenge of smart specialisation in less favoured regionsKroll, Henning
2017A theoretical view on public-private partnerships in research and innovation in GermanyKoschatzky, Knut
2016Supporting new strategic models of science-industry R&D collaboration: A review of global experiencesKroll, Henning
2016Analysing FP7 from a systemic perspective: What role for the delineation and the set up of the sub-programmes?Kroll, Henning; Meyer, Niclas
2016Understanding the "regional policy mix": A classification and analysis of European regions' support policiesKroll, Henning
2015Public-private partnerships in research and innovation: Case studies from Australia, Austria, Sweden and the United StatesKoschatzky, Knut; Kroll, Henning; Meyborg, Mirja; Stahlecker, Thomas; Dwertmann, Anne; Huber, Monika
2015Exploring pathways of regional technological development in China through patent analysisKroll, Henning
2014The role of associations in regional innovation systemsKoschatzky, Knut; Schnabl, Esther; Zenker, Andrea; Stahlecker, Thomas; Kroll, Henning
2014From smart concept to challenging practice: How European regions deal with the Commission's request for novel innovation strategiesKroll, Henning; Muller, Emmanuel; Schnabl, Esther; Zenker, Andrea
2014New forms of regional interaction between universities and industry evidence from GermanyKoschatzky, Knut
2014On universities' long-term effects on regional value creation and unemployment: The case of GermanyKroll, Henning; Schubert, Torben
2013Templates of smart specialisation: Experiences of place-based regional development strategies in Germany and AustriaBaier, Elisabeth; Kroll, Henning; Zenker, Andrea
2013Policies to build research infrastructures in Europe: Following traditions or building new momentum?Stahlecker, Thomas; Kroll, Henning
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 68
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