Working Papers, Department of Economics, University of California Davis

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 336
2023Estimating Present Bias and Sophistication over Effort and MoneyCerrone, Claudia; Chakraborty, Anujit; Kim, Hyok Jung; Lades, Leonhard K.
2023Low Risk Sharing with Many AssetsMarin, Emile A.; Singh, Sanjay R.
2023A Kripke-Lewis semantics for belief update and belief revisionBonanno, Giacomo
2023Implicit Knowledge in Unawareness StructuresBelardinelli, Gaia; Schipper, Burkhard C.
2023A Kripke-Stalnaker-Lewis semantics for AGM belief revisionBonanno, Giacomo
2023The value of and demand for diverse news sourcesCalford, Evan M.; Chakraborty, Anujit
2023Higher-order beliefs in a Sequential Social DilemmaCalford, Evan M.; Chakraborty, Anujit
2023How much work experience do you need to get your first job? The macroeconomic implications of bias against labor market entrantsAdhikari, Shisham; Geromichalos, Athanasios; Kospentaris, Ioannis
2022Motives behind cooperation in finitely repeated prisoner's dilemmaChakraborty, Anujit
2022Public health insurance of children and parental labor market outcomesKunze, Konstantin
2022Hysteresis, endogenous growth, and monetary policyAmador, Sebastián
2022Supply or demand? Policy makers' confusion in the pesence of hysteresisFatás, Antonio; Singh, Sanjay R.
2022Conditional dominance in games with unawarenessMeier, Martin; Schipper, Burkhard
2022Extensive-form level-k thinkingSchipper, Burkhard; Zhou, Hang
2021Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects: The Role of Risk and HeterogeneityCaramp, Nicolas; Silva, Dejanir H.
2021Rational play in games: A behavioral approachBonanno, Giacomo
2021Minimax regret with imperfect ex-post knowledge of the stateBonanno, Giacomo
2021Understanding persistent ZLB: Theory and assessmentCuba-Borda, Pablo; Singh, Sanjay R.
2021Incorporating Diagnostic Expectations into the New Keynesian FrameworkL'Huillier, Jean-Paul; Singh, Sanjay R.; Yoo, Donghoon
2021Discovery and Equilibrium in Games with UnawarenessSchipper, Burkhard
Collection's Items (Sorted by Titel in absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 336