Kiel Working Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)

ISSN: 0342-0787

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 2282
2024Asset price changes, external wealth and global welfareMeyer, Timothy Andreas
2024Mild deglobalization: Foreign investment screening and cross-border investmentEichenauer, Vera; Wang, Feicheng
2024Paying off populism: How regional policies affect voting behaviorGold, Robert; Lehr, Jakob
2024New trade models, same old emissions?Sogalla, Robin; Wanner, Joschka; Watabe, Yuta
2024Place-based policies and household wealth in AfricaAbagna, Matthew Amalitinga; Hornok, Cecília; Mulyukova, Alina
2024The price of warFederle, Jonathan; Meier, André; Müller, Gernot J.; Mutschler, Willi; Schularick, Moritz
2024What role for Chinese FDI in Africa? New survey evidence from Ethiopia and GhanaAckah, Charles; Alemayehu Geda Fole; Görg, Holger; Merchan, Federico
2024Sovereign haircuts: 200 years of creditor lossesGraf von Luckner, Clemens M.; Meyer, Josefin; Reinhart, Carmen M.; Trebesch, Christoph
2024International investment income: Patterns, drivers, and heterogeneous sensitivitiesDonato, Giovanni; Tille, Cédric
2024Patterns of Global and Regional Integration in the East African CommunityKrantz, Sebastian
2024The motives for Chinese and Western countries' sovereign lending to AfricaBode, Eckhardt
2024Beyond borders: Do gender norms and institutions affect female businesses?Görg, Holger; Jäkel, Ina Charlotte
2024Optimal investments in Africa's road networkKrantz, Sebastian
2023Time to say goodbye? The impact of environmental regulation on foreign divestmentMao, Haiou; Görg, Holger; Fang, Guopei
2023Exportweltmeister: Germany's Foreign Investment Returns in International ComparisonHünnekes, Franziska; Konradt, Maximilian; Schularick, Moritz; Trebesch, Christoph; Wingenbach, Julian
2023Technology will save the climate! Attitudes towards Norway's climate policy in four social groupsNordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Andersen, Gisle; Merk, Christine
2023The effect of foreign aid on migration: Global micro evidence from world bank projectsFuchs, Andreas; Gröger, André; Heidland, Tobias; Wellner, Lukas
2023Exchange rate pass-aroundCrozet, Matthieu; Hinz, Julian; Trionfetti, Federico
2023Spatial wage inequality in North America and Western Europe: Changes between and within local labour markets 1975-2019Bauluz, Luis; Bukowski, P.; Fransham, M.; Lee, A.; López Forero, M.; Novokmet, Filip; Breau, S.; Lee, Neil; Malgouyres, Clément; Schularick, Moritz; Verdugo, Gregory
2023Carbon Capture and Storage: Publics in five countries around the North Sea prefer to do it on their own territoryMerk, Christine; Andersen, Gisle; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Helfrich, Torben
Collection's Items (Sorted by Titel in absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 2282
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