Papers on Economics and Evolution, Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomik

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 197
2013Causal linkages between work and life satisfaction and their determinants in a structural VAR approachCoad, Alex; Binder, Martin
2013Autonomy-enhancing paternalismBinder, Martin; Lades, Leonhard K.
2013Conscientious consumers? Preferences, personality and expenditure in the UKVolland, Benjamin
2013Evolutionary economicsDopfer, Kurt
2013Mass-produced food: the rise and fall of the promise of health and safetyBaum, Chad M.
2013Economics with a phylogenetic signatureDopfer, Kurt
2013Energy, knowledge and economic growthFoster, John
2013Subjective well-being capabilities: Bridging the gap between the capability approach and subjective well-being researchBinder, Martin
2013The future of evolutionary economics: Why modalities matterWitt, Ulrich
2012The vertical transmission of time use choicesVolland, Benjamin
2012Volunteering, happiness and public policyBinder, Martin; Freytag, Andreas
2012Sustainable consumption and consumer sovereigntySchubert, Christian; Chai, Andreas
2012Social DarwinismBeck, Naomi
2012The disappearance of hard constraints in neoclassical economicsWadman, William M.
2012Phylogenetic footprints in organizational behaviorWitt, Ulrich; Schwesinger, Georg
2012Pursuing happinessSchubert, Christian
2012The energy paradox of sectoral change and the future prospects of the service economyGross, Christian; Witt, Ulrich
2012The impact of differential satiation dynamics on changing consumer behavior, wellbeing, and innovative activityLades, Leonhard K.
2012Impulsive consumption and reflexive thought: Nudging ethical consumer behaviorLades, Leonhard K.
2012J.A. Schumpeter and the theory of economic evolution (One hundred years beyond the theory of economic development)Metcalfe, Stan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Titel in absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 197