DICE Discussion Paper, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

ISSN: 2190-9938

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 414
2024Schooling and self-controlCobb-Clark, Deborah A.; Dahmann, Sarah C.; Kamhöfer, Daniel A.; Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah
2024Human-machine interactions in pricing: Evidence from two large-scale field experimentsHuelden, Tobias; Jascisens, Vitalijs; Roemheld, Lars; Werner, Tobias
2024Does information about inequality and discrimination in early child care affect policy preferences?Hermes, Henning; Lergetporer, Philipp; Mierisch, Fabian; Schwerdt, Guido; Wiederhold, Simon
2024Gains from patent protection: Innovation, market power and cost savings in IndiaGupta, Apoorva; Stiebale, Joel
2024Go wide or go deep: Margins of new trade flowsErhardt, Katharina; Gupta, Apoorva
2024Forecasting recessions in Germany with machine learningRademacher, Philip
2023The role of gender and coauthors in academic publication behaviorSchmal, W. Benedikt; Haucap, Justus; Knoke, Leon
2023Who's who: How uncertainty about the favored group effects outcomes of affirmative actionTrieu, Chi
2023Why "energy price brakes" encourage moral hazard, raise energy prices, and reinforce energy savingsDertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Wey, Christian
2023Resale price maintenance in a successive monopoly modelDertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Wey, Christian
2023Non-price effects of mergers and acquisitionsHaucap, Justus; Stiebale, Joel
2023Algorithmic price recommendations and collusion: Experimental evidenceHunold, Matthias; Werner, Tobias
2023Multidimensional cognitive ability, intermediate channels, and financial outcomesSimion, Ștefania; Sulka, Tomasz
2023The heterogeneous effects of entry on pricesFischer, Kai; Martin, Simon; Schmidt-Dengler, Philipp
2023Is acquisition-FDI during an economic crisis detrimental for domestic innovation?García-Vega, María; Gupta, Apoorva; Kneller, Richard
2023Flexible estimation of random coefficient logit models of differentiated product demandKandelhardt, Johannes
2023More education does make you happier - unless you are unemployedBertermann, Alexander; Kamhöfer, Daniel A.; Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah
2023The macroeconomic effects of different CBDC regimes in an economy with a heterogeneous household sectorMagin, Jana Anjali; Neyer, Ulrike; Stempel, Daniel
2023Too hot to play it cool? Temperature and media biasStadelmann, David; Thomas, Tobias; Zakharov, Nikita
2023Discrimination on the child care market: A nationwide field experimentHermes, Henning; Lergetporer, Philipp; Mierisch, Fabian; Peter, Frauke
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 414
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