ESRI Working Papers, The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 627
2024Childhood gambling experiences and adult problem gamblingÓ Ceallaigh, Diarmaid; Timmons, Shane; Robertson, Deirdre; Lunn, Pete
2024Small area poverty estimation by Conditional Monte CarloFarrell, Niall
2024Residential land prices for the Irish property market: An initial examinationMcQuinn, Kieran
2024What drives SME investment in digitalisation? Micro-data evidence for IrelandKren, Janez; O'Toole, Conor
2024Residential renovations: Understanding cost-disruption trade-offsCurtis, John A.; Grilli, Gianluca; Lynch, Muireann
2024Entrepreneur characteristics and determinants of self-employment across EuropeCoates, Dermot; Lawless, Martina
2024A study of cross-border working on the Island of IrelandMcGuinness, Séamus; Bergin, Adele; Devlin, Anne
202417 years after the start of the global financial crisis (GFC), where are we now with credit and house prices in the Irish residential market?Egan, Paul; McQuinn, Kieran; O'Toole, Conor
2024Survey instructions bias perceptions of environmental health risksTimmons, Shane; Papadopoulos, Alexandros; Lunn, Pete
2024Keeping our heads above water: Spatially heterogeneous social vulnerabilities and climate adaptationCeolotto, Stefano; Farrell, Niall
2024Trust in cervical screening and attributions of blame for interval cancers following a national controversyPoluektova, Olga; Robertson, Deirdre A.; Papadopoulos, Alexandros; Lunn, Pete
2024Going green in stages: Psychological processes behind intention formation and action for climate mitigationAndersson, Ylva; Timmons, Shane; Lee, Maria; Lunn, Pete
2024Production and consumption-based accounts of Ireland's emissionsDe Bruin, Kelly C.; Değer, Çağaçan; Yakut, Aykut Mert
2024Empowering homes? Unravelling the connection between energy efficiency and well-beingEstévez, Andrés; Tovar Reaños, Miguel Angel
2024A behaviourally-informed app can encourage switching of financial productsRobertson, Deirdre; Poluektova, Olga; Lavin, Ciarán; Timmons, Shane; Lunn, Pete
2024Assessing expectations of European house pricesVerma, Akhilesh Kumar; McQuinn, Kieran
2023Inward foreign direct investment, superstar firms and wage inequality between firms: Evidence from European regionsDurán, Juan David; Siedschlag, Iulia
2023Comparing expert and public perceptions of the obesity epidemic in 3 countriesRobertson, Deirdre A.; Andersson, Ylva; Lavin, Ciarán; Lunn, Pete
2023Equity effects of energy affordability interventionsFarrell, Niall
2023The equity and efficiency of electricity network tariffsFarrell, Niall; Meles, Tensay Hadush
Collection's Items (Sorted by Titel in absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 627