DIIS Reports, Danish Institute for International Studies

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 221
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Russia's quest for influence in Africa after the 2022 Ukraine invasion: Instruments, causes and consequencesGötz, Elias; Gejl Kaas, Jonas
2024Locally-led adaptation: Moving from principles to practice in the water sectorBedelian, Claire; Mulwa, Judith; Sumari, Beatrice; Rogers, Peter; Ladekjær Gravesen, Marie; Funder, Mikkel
2024Out with the old, in with the new? The EU's path out of the energy crisisSurwillo, Izabela; Slakaityte, Veronika
2024Invisible frontlines: Safeguarding the European energy infrastructureSlakaityte, Veronika; Surwillo, Izabela
2024Loss, damage and social cohesion: Impacts and next steps for policy and programmingLindegaard, Lily Salloum; Jarawura, Francis Xavier
2024Pushback: The limits of power in Erdogan's TurkeyLindgaard, Jakob
2024Much ado, little afoot? How the Nordics approach TaiwanForsby, Andreas Bøje
2024Tysklands sikkerhedspolitiske transition: Geostrategiske trusselsperceptioner og handlingsmønstre med relevans for DanmarkOlsen, Kim B.
2024Ukraine's international legion and its volunteersGreenwood, Maja Touzari Janesdatter
2024Kaliningrad Oblast 2024: Russia's vessel of havoc on the Baltic SeaCordes, Miłosz J.
2024Challenges to multilateral disarmament: Global perspectives on UN disarmament, arms control and non-proliferationRosengren Pejstrup, Trine
2024Corporate cosmos: How commercial American space imagines our future and shapes our presentTjalve, Vibeke Schou
2024Danish development cooperation experiences in contexts of autocratisationMoe Fejerskov, Adam; Rosengren Pejstrup, Trine
2023Like-mindedness: How the West shapes the geostrategic landscape in the Indo-PacificForsby, Andreas Bøje
2023The new EU climate and energy strategy in a time of war: Energy security firstDreyer, Jakob; Nissen, Christine
2023Implementing the global women, peace and security agenda in Ethiopia, Kenya and MaliTornius, Karmen; Kolling, Marie; Engberg-Pedersen, Lars
2023Cyber espionage: How the competition for intelligence challenges international lawThranov, Asbjørn
2022Playing with religion: The gamification of jihadMahmoud, Firas
2022Unpacking "new climate wars": Actors and drivers of conflict in the SahelCold-Ravnkilde, Signe Marie; Ba, Boubacar
2022Kortlægning og suverænitet i GrønlandStrandsbjerg, Jeppe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 221