Studies in Spatial Development: Aufsätze, ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

ISSN: 1619-1986

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Lessons for regional policy from the new economic geography and the endogenous growth theoryKarl, Helmut; Matus Velasco, Ximena Fernanda
2004Economic development and regional disparities in FranceDormard, Serge
2004Enlargement and EU regional policyBachtler, John; Downes, Ruth
2004The poverty and wealth of regions (assumptions, hypotheses, examples)Gorzelak, Grzegorz
2004Regional specializations in the European spaceRollet, Philippe
2004Challenges of the European Union enlargement: A note from the polish perspectiveGorzelak, Grzegorz
2004Overview about regional inequalities in EuropeDormard, Serge
2004Regional integration effects of the euro: What is the empirical evidence after the first years?Hallet, Martin
2004Répercussions territoriales de l'Union Monétaire Européenne: Résumé et conclusions politiquesLammers, Konrad
2004Spatial implications of the European Monetary Union: Overview and policy conclusionsLammers, Konrad
2004The network model and regional policies for European cohesion and integrationCappellin, Riccardo
2004Europe's regions within the currency Union: Risks and opportunitiesRobins, Ian
2004Regional welfare effects of the European Monetary UnionBröcker, Johannes
2004Regional disparities in the United KingdomBachtler, John
2003Obstacles and constraints for a new CAPSumpsi Viñas, José M.; García Azcarate, Tomás
2003Rural development policies and the secon pillar of the common agricultural policySaraceno, Elena
2003The WTO negotiation on agriculture and the common agricultural policyAnania, Giovanni
2003Food safety, food quality and the CAPBuckwell, Allan
2003Expectations and challenges: Reasons for re-initiating the discussion on a CAP reformvon Urff, Winfried
2003Greening the CAP: The future of the first pillarSumpsi Viñas, José M.; Buckwell, Allan
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 24
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