20th ITS Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro 2014

ISSN: n.a.

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This collection contains the conference papers from the

20th ITS Biennial Conference
Rio de Janeiro, 30 November - 03 December 2014

"The Net and the Internet - Emerging Markets and Policies"

Over the past three decades, telecommunications markets have undergone substantial changes due to phenomena such as the emergence of mobile telephony and its gradual convergence with fixed; but also the convergence with media and IT markets and the ongoing transition towards IP-based Internet platforms powered by broadband communications. As a result, the boundaries between these previously separated markets have blurred to such an extent that today, players originating in different economic sectors compete for the same customers along a single, integrated value chain: incumbent telcos compete with nomadic players, such as Skype or Google, and with emerging cloud providers; at the same time, application providers are eroding the revenues of upstream players such as broadcasters and content owners.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 70
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014A compensation model developed to liberalize spectrum in the G4 eraChou, Yuntsai
2014Effective subsidies to the demand for fixed broadbandwith an increase in penetration and an undistorted competition landscape: The Colombian caseCasasbuenas, Jaime; de Oliveira, Fernando; Riobó, Alexander
2014Resolving West Africa's electricity dilemma through the pursuit of smart grid opportunitiesDramé, Cheikh
2014VDSL and G.fast Vectoring and the impact on VULAPlückebaum, Thomas; Jay, Stephan; Neumann, Karl-Heinz
2014Competition and consumer protection in the cyberspace marketplaceKlein, Joseph A.; Rao, P. M.
2014The Internet: A black hole releasing new stars. Business models and regulationParcu, Pier Luigi; Stasi, Maria Luisa
2014The index construction of cross-media concentration in the digital era: A comparative studyTseng, Kuo-Feng
2014Deregulating fixed voice services? Empirical evidence from the European UnionLange, Mirjam R. J.; Šaric, Amela
2014Competition and market strategies in the Swiss fixed telephony marketBalmer, Roberto E.
2014Innovation in European telecommunication regulation: The diffusion of regulatory remediesKlein, Gordon; Wendel, Julia
2014The impact of tariff diversity on broadband diffusion: An empirical analysisHaucap, Justus; Heimesho, Ulrich; Lange, Mirjam R. J.
2014Geographic regulation and cooperative investment in next generation broadband networksBalmer, Roberto E.
2014A study on business structure of E-book in non-English Language: Case study of JapanUeda, Masashi
2014On the incentives of an integrated ISP to favor its own contentBrito, Duarte; Pereiraz, Pedro; Vareda, João
2014Comparison in Europe of telco value evolution during 'bubbles': Dotcom 2000 vs. Dotcom 2012Herrera-González, Fernando
2014Regulation of Latin American's Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Sector: An empirical analysisAlleman, James; Rappoport, Paul
2014Opportunity cost for the digital dividend bandwidth: Application and comparison with LTE auctions outcomesGarelli, Nicola
2014Shedding light on net neutrality: The Brazilian caseWohlers, Marcio; Giansante, Moacir; Bordeaux-Rego, Antonio Carlos; Foditsch, Nathalia
2014Deployment strategies for FTTH networks and their impact on the business case: A comparison of case studiesDomingo, Albert; Van der Wee, Marlies; Verbrugge, Sofie; Oliver, Miquel
2014Game-theoretical models of the competitive dynamics in optical network service provisionWaldman, Helio; Bortoletto, Rodrigo Campos
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 70
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers