SAFE Policy Letters, Leibniz-Institut für Finanzmarktforschung SAFE

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 103
2020The Wirecard lessons: A reform proposal for the supervision of securities markets in EuropeKrahnen, Jan Pieter; Langenbucher, Katja
2020Priorities for the CMU agendaKrahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana
2020Capital in the Corona crisisKaas, Leo
2020Corona-Bonds und ihre AlternativenThum, Marcel; Weichenrieder, Alfons J.
2020Erkenntnisse aus sechs Wellen des Haushaltsbarometers: Sind "Konsumschecks" das richtige Mittel in der Corona-Krise?Brancatelli, Calogero; Hackethal, Andreas; Inderst, Roman; Schuler, Sebastian
2020Corona and financial stability 4.0: Implementing a european pandemic equity fundBoot, Arnoud W. A.; Carletti, Elena; Kotz, Hans-Helmut; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2020Pandemic insurance through pandemic partnership bonds: A fully funded insurance solution in a public private partnershipGründl, Helmut; Regele, Fabian
2019Eine Open Banking Plattform für Deutschland: Eine zukunftsorientierte Alternative zu einer Fusion Deutsche Bank/CommerzbankBrühl, Volker; Krahnen, Jan Pieter
2019Deutsche Bank and its strategy change: What it means for the German financial systemSchmidt, Reinhard H.
2019What is Libra? Understanding Facebook's currencySchmeling, Maik
2019An open banking platform for Germany: A future-oriented alternative to a merger of Deutsche Bank/CommerzbankBrühl, Volker; Krahnen, Jan Pieter
2019Target balances and financial crisesKrahnen, Jan Pieter
2019Der Neo-Fisher-Effekt: Die historische Alternative zur NullzinspolitikSchefold, Bertram
2018Deutschland und EuropaIssing, Otmar
2018Governing cryptocurrencies through forward guidance?Goldmann, Matthias; Pustovit, Grygoriy
2018Why the initial regulation of financial innovations is decisive: Regulatory arbitrage and off-balance-sheet leasing in GermanyFriedrich, Jan; Thiemann, Matthias
2018If you do it, do it right: The need for a common European supervisory architecture for CCPsFriedrich, Jan; Resch, Christian; Thiemann, Matthias
2018Digitalization and taxation: Beware ad hoc measuresWeichenrieder, Alfons
2018Financial stability in the EU: A case for micro data transparencyKasinger, Johannes; Pelizzon, Loriana
2018Monetary policy and prudential supervision: From functional separation to a holistic approach?Goldmann, Matthias
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 103
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