DIW Diskussionspapiere - DIW Berlin

ISSN: 1619-4535

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 2094
2020Firm financing and the relative demand for labor and capitalElFayoumi, Khalid
2020The MARS algorithm in the spatial framework: Non-linearities and spatial effects in hedonic modelsLópez, Fernando A.; Kholodilin, Konstantin A.
2020Machine predictions and human decisions with variation in payoffs and skillsRibers, Michael; Ullrich, Hannes
2020EU sustainable finance taxonomy: What is its role on the road towards climate neutrality?Schütze, Franziska; Stede, Jan
2020Savings goal calendars as soft commitment devices: Evidence from small business owners in UgandaGrohmann, Antonia; Lakemann, Tabea; Seitz, Helke
2020A glimpse of freedom: Allied occupation and political resistance in East GermanyMartínez, Luis R.; Jessen, Jonas; Xu, Guo
2020Subgroup analysis of investment constraints: Evidence from Ugandan microenterprisesSeitz, Helke
2020Knowledge-based capital and productivity divergenceLe Mouel, Marie; Schiersch, Alexander
2020Tuition fees and educational attainmentBietenbeck, Jan; Marcus, Jan; Weinhardt, Felix
2020Crisis impact on the diversity of financial portfolios: Evidence from European citizensSchäfer, Dorothea; Stöckel, Michael; Weser, Henriette
2020Heteroskedastic proxy vector autoregressionsLütkepohl, Helmut; Schlaak, Thore
2020Repayment under flexible loan contracts: Evidence from TanzaniaGrohmann, Antonia; Herbold, Steffen; Lenel, Friederike
2020Is monetary policy gender neutral? Evidence from the stock marketGrazzini, Caterina Forti; Kim, Chi Hyun
2020Currency futures' risk premia and risk factorsBernoth, Kerstin; von Hagen, Jürgen; de Vries, Casper G.
2020Airbnb, hotels, and localized competitionSchaefer, Maximilian; Ducbao Tran, Kevin
2020The dynamic impact of FX interventions on financial marketsMenkhoff, Lukas; Rieth, Malte; Stöhr, Tobias
2020Institutional diversity in domestic banking sectors and bank stability: A cross-country studyBaum, Christopher F.; Grazzini, Caterina Forti; Schäfer, Dorothea
2020Viral shocks to the world economyKholodilin, Konstantin A.; Rieth, Malte
2020Coase and cap-and-trade: Evidence on the independence property from the European electricity sectorZaklan, Aleksandar
2020Entwicklung der Demographie, der Erwerbstätigkeit sowie des Leistungsniveaus und der Finanzierung der gesetzlichen RentenversicherungBörsch-Supan, Axel; Rausch, Johannes; Buslei, Hermann; Geyer, Johannes
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 2094
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers