DIW Diskussionspapiere - DIW Berlin

ISSN: 1619-4535

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 2093
2023Scenario analysis for net zero: The applicability of climate neutrality studies for transitioning firms in the German building sector and energy-intensive industryBallesteros, Fernanda; Schütze, Franziska; Marchewitz, Catherine; Hüttel, Alexandra
2023Self-efficacy and entrepreneurial performance of start-upsCaliendo, Marco; Kritikos, Alexander; Rodríguez, Daniel; Stier, Claudia
2023Estimating mode choice inertia and price elasticities after a price intervention: Evidence from three months of almost fare-free public transport in GermanyGuajardo Ortega, Maria Fernanda; Link, Heike
2023The heterogeneous effects of social assistence and unemployment insurance: Evidence from a life-cycle model of family labor supply and savingsHaan, Peter; Prowse, Victoria
2023Have the effects of shocks to oil price expectations changed? Evidence from heteroskedastic proxy vector autoregressionsBruns, Martin; Lütkepohl, Helmut
2023Income-based family typology and child development: Evidence from the UKMeroni, Elena Claudia; Verga, Francesca
2023Zur Geschichte des "arbeitnehmernah" und "keynesianisch" geltenden Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) seit den 50er JahrenWagner, Gert G.
2023The role of regulation and regional government quality for high growth firms: The good, the bad, and the uglyAmoroso, Sara; Herrmann, Benedikt; Kritikos, Alexander
2023Decentralized energy: How 100% renewable energy regions affect households' energy saving behaviorDe Palma, Alessandro; Faillo, Marco; Gabriele, Roberto
2023Agglomeration or market access? The defining factors of firms' location choiceGaus, Dennis; Hirte, Georg
2023When credit turns political: Evidence from the Spanish Financial CrisisHüttl, Pia; Baumgartner, Simon
2023Building health across generations: Unraveling the impact of early childcare on maternal healthBarschkett, Mara; Bosque-Mercader, Laia
2023Global risk and the dollarGeorgiadis, Georgios; Müller, Gernot J.; Schumann, Ben
2023Combining GPS tracking and surveys for a mode choice model: Processing data from a quasi-natural experiment in GermanyLink, Heike; Gaus, Dennis; Murray, Neil; Guajardo Ortega, Maria Fernanda; Gervois, Flavien; von Waldow, Frederik; Eigner, Sofia
2023Government-made house price bubbles? Austerity, homeownership, rental, and credit liberalization policies and the "irrational exuberance" on housing marketsKholodilin, Konstantin; Kohl, Sebastian; Müller, Florian
2023The just energy transition partnership in South Africa: Identification and assessment of key factors driving international cooperationvon Lüpke, Heiner
2023Do wind turbines have adverse health impacts?Krekel, Christian; Rode, Johannes; Roth, Alexander
2023Unilateral carbon pricing and heterogeneous firmsSogalla, Robin
2023Dollar trinity and the global financial cycleGeorgiadis, Georgios; Müller, Gernot J.; Schumann, Ben
2023A HANK2 model of monetary unionsBayer, Christian; Kriwoluzky, Alexander; Müller, Gernot J.; Seyrich, Fabian
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 2093
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers