Working Papers on Innovation and Space, Department of Geography, Philipps University Marburg

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 76
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Places and spaces in the weightless economyGong, Huiwen
2016More bucks, more growth, more justice? The effects of regional structural funds on regional economic growth and convergence in GermanyEberle, Jonathan; Brenner, Thomas
2016The predominance of social proximity for innovation collaboration of SMEvon Proff, Sidonia
2016Micro-dynamics in regional transition paths to sustainability - an analysis of organizational and institutional change in Augsburg's transition topologyStrambach, Simone; Pflitsch, Gesa
2015How individual characteristics and attitudes shape the job search process of graduates.von Proff, Sidonia
2015Causal relations between knowledge-intensive business services and regional employment growthBrenner, Thomas; Capasso, Marco; Duschl, Matthias; Frenken, Koen; Treibich, Tania
2015New firm survival: The interdependence between regional externalities and innovativenessEbert, Tobias; Brenner, Thomas; Brixy, Udo
2015Joint R&D subsidies, related variety, and regional innovationBroekel, Tom; Brachert, Matthias; Duschl, Matthias; Brenner, Thomas
2015Students' Career Attitudes - How Entrepreneurial Are Prospective Scientists?Hesse, Nora
2014The structure and dynamics of R and D collaborations in Europe and the USA (A longitudinal and comparative perspective)von Proff, Sidonia; Lata, Rafael; Brenner, Thomas
2014Modelling Firm and Market Dynamics - A Flexible Model Reproducing Existing Stylized FactsBrenner, Thomas; Duschl, Matthias
2014Science, Innovation and National GrowthBrenner, Thomas
2014Regional resilience and fat tails: A stochastic analysis of firm growth rate distributions of German regionsDuschl, Matthias
2014Weather Conditions and Economic Growth - Is Productivity Hampered by Climate Change?Brenner, Thomas; Lee, Daniel
2014Motives behind the mobility of university graduates - A study of three German universitiesvon Proff, Sidonia; Duschl, Matthias; Brenner, Thomas
2014From here, from there, and from beyond: endogenous and exogenous factors triggering change along the cluster life cycle in a multi-scalar environmentSantner, Dominik; Fornahl, Dirk
2014Network Structures in Regional Innovation SystemsStuck, Jérôme; Broekel, Tom; Revilla, Javier
2014The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth - An Empirical Analysis of Different Effects in Less and More Developed CountriesBrenner, Thomas
2013The organizational and regional determinants of inter-regional collaborations - Academic inventors as bridging agentsDornbusch, Friedrich; von Proff, Sidonia; Brenner, Thomas
2013Micro-dynamics of knowledge: actors, processes and territorial organizationStrambach, Simone
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 76