ERSA 2002 - 42nd Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Dortmund, 2002

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 320
2002Political competition and the allocation of public investment in MexicoRodriguez-Oreggia, Eduardo; Costa-Font, Joan; Luna Pla, Dario
2002Regional structural change and growth in RomaniaTraistaru, Iulia; Iara, Anna; Pauna, Carmen
2002Lifestyles, choice of housing location and daily mobility. Conceptual framework, methods and preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research project "StadtLeben"Scheiner, Joachim; Kasper, Birgit
2002New economic poles in the periphery of European metropolitan areasBurdack, Joachim
2002Beyond the blue banana? Structural change in Europe's geo-economyHospers, Gert-Jan
2002Evaluation, foresight and participation as new elements for regional innovation policy practice: lessons from the regional innovation strategies (RIS)Haarich, Silke Nicole; Uyarra, Elvira
2002Regionalization of active labour market policies - an aggregat impact analysisVollkommer, Dieter
2002Raising external logistics industry in Europe: a systemic vision of the economic approachBoscacci, Flavio; Pesaro, Giulia
2002Regional embeddedness of information economy enterprises in GermanyMatuschewski, Anke
2002Evaluating the application of the European spatial development perspective in the United Kingdom: Methodological considerations and emerging trendsSykes, Olivier John
2002Spatial embeddedness and firm performance: an empirical exploration of the effects of proximity on innovative and economic performanceOerlemans, Leon A.G.; Meeus, Marius T.H.
2002Passenger flows in CGE models for transport project evaluationBröcker, Johannes
2002The performance of the finnish labour markets in the 1990sHeikkilä, Elli; Korhonen, Sirpa
2002Material and immaterial dimensions of clusters. Cooperation and learning as infrastructure for innovationSteiner, Michael; Hartmann, Christian
2002Science-technology flows in Spanish regions: an analysis of scientific citations in patentsCoronado, Daniel; Acosta, Manuel
2002SMEs, territorial development and networking: the case of RomaniaConstantin, Daniela Luminita
2002Towards a spatial decision support system for route alignment planning in EgyptTalaat, Ahmed
2002Reflections on innovation networks: contractual vs. "conventional" networksPlanque, Bernard
2002High speed/high capacity railway and regional development - evaluation of effects on spatial accessibilityTira, Maurizio; Tiboni, Michela; Badiani, Barbara
2002On clusters of entrepreneurs - an austrian approach to innovative milieuLecoq, Bruno
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 320