ERSA 2002 - 42nd Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Dortmund, 2002

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 281 bis 300 von 320
2002Regional knowledge transfer through public research spin-offsEgeln, Juergen; Gottschalk, Sandra; Rammer, Dr. Christian
2002Spatial interaction modeling of interregional commodity flowsCelik, H. Murat; Guldmann, Jean-Michel
2002Immigrants in Spain: skills acquisition and development. A regional studyDíaz-Emparanza, Ignacio; Espinosa, Alexandra M.
2002Environmentally focused cooperation projects as a stimulus for the development of old industrialised regions. Case studies in eastern German regions in which small and medium-sized towns predominateLeimbrock, Holger; Lintz, Gerd
2002The evolution of the employment in the European Union. A stochastic shift and share approachLópez Menéndez, Ana Jesús; Mayor Fernández, Matías
2002Unbalanced development strategies and the lack of regional convergence in the EURodríguez-Pose, Andrés; Fratesi, Ugo
2002A spatial panel approach to the east German wage curveElhorst, J. Paul; Blien, Uwe; Wolf, Katja
2002The changing role of the regions in German technology policyDohse, Dirk
2002Internet diffusion vs. the crisis of the new economyTesauro, Carlo; Campisi, Domenico
2002Closing the knowledge gap in Irish manufacturing - a north-south comparisonHewitt-Dundas, Nola; Roper, Stephen
2002A multicriteria analysis of the community initiative INTERREG II Spain-Morocco (1994-1999)Marchante, Andres J.; Ortega, Bienvenido; Lopez, Jose
2002Consumer's appreciation of regional image and the perceived quality of rural tourismDimara, Efthalia; Petrou, Anastasia; Skuras, Dimitris
2002Intergenerational mobility in self-employment: a regional approachNiittykangas, Hannu; Tervo, Hannu
2002Space-time modeling of traffic flowKamarianakis, Yiannis; Prastacos, Poulicos
2002Modelling and seasonal forecasting of monthly hotel nights in DenmarkSørensen, Nils Karl
2002Leisure mobility and mobility problems of elderly people in urban, suburban and rural environment: preliminary results from the research project FRAMEKasper, Birgit; Scheiner, Joachim
2002Stock exchanges and regional competitiveness: the case of small German exchangesBoerdlein, Ruth Maria
2002Segmentation by skills and wage discrimination in a trans-border labor marketGonzalez, Oscar; Maggi, Rico
2002Measuring "small-world" connectivity in international trade: a shift-share and ANOVA approachSchintler, Laurie; Kulkarni, Rajendra; Stough, Roger
2002A comparative analysis of the location behaviour of Japanese and European semiconductor manufacturersMcCann, Philip; Arita, Tomokazu
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 281 bis 300 von 320