ERSA 2005 - 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Amsterdam, 2005

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 486
2005Sectoral Movement as an Incentive for Interregional MigrationKubis, Alexander
2005Congestion on risky routes with risk adverse driversDe Palma, André; Picard, Nathalie
2005Firm migration in the NetherlandsPellenbarg, Pieter Hendrik
2005Inter-regional migration modelling - a review and assessmentStillwell, John
2005Entrepreneurial capabilities inherited from previous employmentKoster, Sierdjan
2005Measuring Urban Sprawl - how Can we Deal with It?Frenkel, Amnon; Ashkenazi, Maya
2005A spatial interaction model for agricultural uses - An application to understand the historical evolution of land use on a small islandGonçalves, Joana
2005The Regional Effects of European Integration - an Empirical Analysis of Three Enlargement EpisodesHuber, Peter
2005The General Interregional Quantity ModelMadsen, Bjarne; Jensen-Butler, Chris
2005Competitiveness and regional growth in the European Union: unit labour costs disparitiesRodil-Marzábal, Óscar
2005The role of the FDI in Croatia's tourism sectorStokoviæ, Igor
2005Embracing a systems perspective of innovation – Evidence from Ireland on the use of innovation links, 1991 to 2002Hewitt-Dundas, Nola; Leonard, Ciara
2005Regional Unemployment in Spain - Disparities, Business Cycle and Wage SettingBande, Roberto; Fernandez, Melchor; Montuenga, Víctor Manuel
2005Genetic Land - Modeling land use change using evolutionary algorithmsSeixas, Maria Julia; Nunes, João Pedro; Lourenço, Pedro; Lobo, Fernando; Condado, Paulo
2005The impact of institutions on Regional unemployment disparitiesCaroleo, Floro Ernesto; Coppola, Gianluigi
2005Congestion and Residential Moving Behaviour in the presence of Moving CostsPilegaard, Ninette; Larsen, Morten Marott; Van Ommeren, Jos
2005Co-production between Ministry and Citizens - New challenges for program managementBuijs, Jean-Marie; Edelenbos, Jurian
2005proximity conflict's resolution and innovation networks of French biotechnology SMe'sGallaud, Delphine
2005Changing spatial planning systems and the role of the regional government level; Comparing the Netherlands, Flanders and EnglandSpaans, Marjolein
2005Technological change and industry competitiveness through the evolution of localised comparative advantages - The case of ItalyPalma, Daniela; Zini, Alessandro
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 486