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43rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Peripheries, Centres, and Spatial Development in the New Europe", 27th - 30th August 2003, Jyväskylä, Finland
European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve
Focusing our attention on every day necessities and trying to catch up with the latest achievements in different fields of life we often forget that, although they are rarely taken into consideration, there are processes which seriously influence the development of societies. The evolution processes and their consequences for human individuals as well as groups of people and their mutual relations belong to this category. Therefore the introduction of these processes to the Science of Organisation together with such notions a social group, community and region enables us to identify new and essential development processes which considerably influence the capabilities of adoption in unstable economic conditions. The evolutionary approach gives the notion of subjectivity to a human being, and not only to an organisation, as to one of the potential elements and outcomes of organisational culture. Human individuals and social communities participate in the process of evolution throughout various continuously developed social and intellectual structures as well as acquiring new skills. The final verification of human activities and social changes becomes evolutionary progress not a profit as it is in economic form of organisation - in a model of a business enterprise. The focus on evolutionary aspect of development causes that the problem of economic development and change cannot be considered on the level of a business organisation only, but the full social context should be also taken into consideration. The unlimitedness of the evolution processes gives stable character to the development of social forms directing them to the route of constantly verified and never ceasing progress. The presented observations enable an attempt of investigation of development phenomena in certain, representative scope which covers two dimensions - time and space and that of conscious human activity. The former refers the defined moment of time and defined space within which phenomena are observed, while the latter starts on the level of cognitive programming and further on the level of implemented individual strategies. The next level this is the level of organisation and mutual influence of individuals staying in certain relationships. The final level this is the inter-organisational one. The research concerning the process of evolution within a sector determined in the presented above way has proved that the social process of evolution should be purposefully managed to ensure the conditions for the sustainable development of a given region. Such a form of management widens the notion of an organisation management to the management of a fractal structure of creating goals and conditions for the autonomous development of a certain social community identified on the basis of the territory it occupies. An individual human being with their cognitive programming, their trajectory of experiences and individual development that enables their individual evolutionary progress occupies the bottom level of the whole system of communication and social interactions. The form of management that takes into consideration the phenomena of evolution prevents the intellectual and economic partition of societies and it stops the inflation of intellectual capital. Thanks to estimation of evolutionary capability the effectiveness of development directions can be verified and sustainable conditions for development directions can be effectively defined which creates conditions for social adaptiveness and increases innovativeness of a social community. The introduction and further development of the issue of evolution in the management science can result in the development of effective instruments of sustainable economic, social and human development.
Conference Paper


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