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46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean", August 30th - September 3rd, 2006, Volos, Greece
European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve
In the 21st century, GIS based Campus Information Systems (CIS) have been used by many universities for different aims and become an effective tool. CIS is a wholeness and integrity that is formed by hardware, software, data and users in order to collect spatial and non-spatial data about the university and its sub-units (both academic and administrative), transfer them to computer, store, query, analyze and present the result reports as graphics or non-graphics. In general, the goal of this study is to prepare a GIS-based Izmir Institute of Technology (IIT) CIS. Moreover, after preparing maps of campus area in desired formats, the objectives of the project are to store the maps to plan or update, to provide rapid and easy access to personal and sharable information about campus, to prepare the databases about each department, and to use them for administrative purposes. Therefore, it would have been achieved two main objectives in terms of planning and interactive access for students and staff. At first, by this system, it has been achieved more scientific spatial analyses about land use decisions depending on the natural capacities of the campus site. Then, some negative sides and impacts have been determined relating to the physical developments proposed by the existing campus plan. Thus, it has been achieved crucial results about these defects supporting our initial observations about campus. Secondly, to achieve all information about campus referring spatial or non-spatial by students, academic & administrative staff, and inter-active information access would be created. In order to create CIS for IIT, the spatial and non-spatial data about campus including maps, attribute data were collected; maps, databases, spatial analyses and queries were produced via ArcGIS. At the end of the study, site location of IIT, 1/50000 environmental plan, 1/5000 IIT Master Plan, existing map of campus area, proposed implementation plan of campus area, thematic maps & spatial analyses about topography, geology, soil capability and vegetation and other natural features and suitability analysis for campus site were produced as result productions.
Conference Paper


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