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46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean", August 30th - September 3rd, 2006, Volos, Greece
European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve
The Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation (P.I.O.P) aims in rescuing, recording and promoting the heritage and cultural identity of Greece. Within this framework it organises and manages a network of thematic museums, which are continuously expanding in the regional parts of Greece. The three already existing museums (The Silk Museum in Soufli, The Open-Air Water Power Museum in Dimitsana, and the Museum of the Olive and the Greek Olive Oil in Sparta) have developed to become cultural centers in continuous contact and co-operation with the local societies. At the same time five new museums have been designed and are being created in accordance with contemporary museological specifications and are in their final stage of completion: the Museum of Marble Crafts in Tinos, the Museum of Industrial olive-oil production in Lesvos, the Rooftile and Brickworks Museum in Volos, the Museum of Technology of Paper and History of Greek Typography in Thessaloniki and the Museum of Traditional Crafts and Environment in Stymfalia. Within this framework P.I.O.P. has adopted a unique managerial model: the Network is staffed with experienced personnel, specialised in cultural management, which undertakes the scientific supervision, the managerial, accounting and secretarial coverage of the museums and at the same time, provides for their maintenance, impeccable operation and projection. This operational model is implemented with the unreserved co-operation of the local society and authorities. The paper aims to develop the relevant issue and to introduce the solutions that have been adopted in order to ensure the best results.
Conference Paper


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