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50th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy", 19-23 August 2010, Jönköping, Sweden
European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve
Migration is influencing the present happening in Europe. This whole phenomenon is associated with many paradoxes and contradictory working factors. The deployment of international migrants is very uneven. For the immigrants is characteristic the increase of their human capital, gaining new experience, and flexibility. Migration is sometimes perceived as a part of globalization and transformation, which is partly true, but there should be put more effort to come up with the solution of the migration reasons and the migrant integration. Migration models are connected to the historical bonds and big attention is paid to analyze them. A broader approach is needed and the analyzing of migration development in time. The common interest in this phenomenon leads into the harmonized measures through out the whole EU. The impact of migration on the labor market as well as on the economy as a whole depends on the age, education and the length of stay of the migrant in the specific country. Migration can be more influenced by unqualified or seasonal jobs. The overall economical effects on the labor market are relatively marginal. Positive effects are: increase of economical prosperity as well in the host state as the country of origin, lower wage of the migrant than is the added value, which he produces, existing economies of scale in specific production sectors. Negative effects are: uneven distribution of capital income, time horizon of migration, pressure on the health care and social system in case of illegal migration.Regarding the present demographic situation in most EU member states is immigration one of the ways how to solve the lack of labor force. Leading representatives try to coordinate the migration policy, which would secure concerned approach and legal frame to immigrants. This policy shouldn't be built just on temporary needs of the labor market, but should involve human rights, equal rights and nondiscrimination.
Conference Paper


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