FIW Working Papers, FIW - Kompetenzzentrum 'Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft'

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 197
2013Asymmetric trade liberalisation, sector heterogeneity andinnovationRuiz, Antonio Navas
2013International spillovers in a world of technology clubsStöllinger, Roman
2013Aggregation Bias in Trade Elasticities: The Case of MacedoniaJovanovic, Branimir
2013The Pass-Through of Exchange Rate in the Context of the European Sovereign Debt CrisisCheikh, Nidhaleddine Ben
2013Time-Varying Interdependencies of Tourism and Economic Growth: Evidence from European CountriesDragouni, Mina; Filis, George; Antonakakis, Nikolaos
2013Money demand and the role of monetary indicators in forecasting euro area inflationDreger, Christian; Wolters, Jürgen
2013International Monetary Transmission with Bank Heterogeneity and Default RiskTsenova, Tsvetomira
2013Country-specific determinants of horizontal and vertical intra-industry agri-food trade of the Visegrad CountriesJambor, Attila
2013The EU-Ukraine trade liberalization: How much do the costs of tariff elimination matter?Frey, Miriam; Olekseyuk, Zoryana
2013Exchange rate volatility, financial constraints and trade: empirical evidence from Chinese firmsHéricourt, Jérôme; Poncet, Sandra
2013Assessing the impact of European Integration on sectoral trade in servicesBehncke, Nadine
2013Eu enlargement and the gains from tradeCalin-Vlad, Demian
2013China's Pure Exporter SubsidiesDefever, Fabrice; Riaño, Alejandro
2013Central Bank Transparency and Financial Stability: Measurement, Determinants and EffectsHorváth, Roman; Vaško, Dan
2013Does Aid for Education Attract Foreign Investors? An Empirical Analysis for Latin AmericaDonaubauer, Julian; Herzer, Dierk; Nunnenkamp, Peter
2012Long Run Exchange Rate Pass-Through: A Panel Cointegration ApproachCheikh, Nidhaleddine Ben
2012Financial liberalization, growth, productivity and capital accumulation: The case of European integrationGehringer, Agnieszka
2012Incomplete specialization and offshoring across EuropeFrensch, Richard; Hanousek, Jan; Kocenda, Evžen
2012Determinants of Comparative Advantage in Servicesvan der Marel, Erik
2012Fishing in the same pool: Export strengths and competitiveness of China and CESEE at the EU-15 MarketSchitter, Christian; Silgoner, Maria; Steiner, Katharina; Wörz, Julia
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 197