FIW Working Papers, FIW - Kompetenzzentrum 'Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft'

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 197
2017Non-discriminatory trade policies in structural gravity models: Evidence from Monte Carlo simulationsSellner, Richard
2017Export market shares: A trivial concept?Vondra, Klaus
2017Refugee resettlement, redistribution and growthAzarnert, Leonid
2017The Ramsey cooperative and non-cooperative unconventional monetary policyJiang, Shifu
2016Drivers of global liquidity and global bank flows: A view from the euro areaEverett, Mary
2016Productivity effects from inter-industry offshoring and inshoring: Firm-level evidence from BelgiumMerlevede, Bruno; Theodorakopoulos, Angelos
2016Foreign branches of US global banks: Geography, balance sheet structure and contagionD'Avino, Carmela
2016Jobs in global supply chains: a macroeconomic assessmentKizu, Takaaki; Kühn, Stefan; Viegelahn, Christian
2016Exchange rate pass-through in the Euro AreaMirdala, Rajmund
2016Real exchange rates, current accounts and competitiveness issues in the euro areaMirdala, Rajmund
2016Asymmetric credit growth and current account imbalances in the euro areaUnger, Robert
2016Impact of services trade on India's economic growth and current account balance: Evidence from post-reform periodThomas, Mini P.
2016Evaluation of unconventional monetary policy in a small open economyPietrzak, Martin
2016Capital market imperfections and trade liberalization in general equilibriumIrlacher, Michael; Unger, Florian
2016Cross-border M&As and eco-environmental performance of European energy utilitiesMonastyrenko, Evgenii
2016What if all countries were actually in the same boat? A comparison of countries' vulnerability based on Markov Switching ModelsVannier, Brendan
2015Location choice of German multinationals in the Czech Republic. The importance of agglomeration economiesHecht, Veronika
2015Coverage and enforceability of investment rules in PTAs: the role of global value chain trade and regulatory differencesBruhn, Dominique
2015Export Performance and Survival in Russia: Why some Regions grow fast and others don'tKadochnikov, Sergey; Fedyunina, Anna
2015The Role of Regulatory Arbitrage in U.S. Banks' International Lending Flows: Bank-Level EvidenceTemesvary, Judit
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 197