FIW Studien, FIW - Kompetenzzentrum 'Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft'

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 77 von 77
2008Effects of Foreign Ownership on Innovation Activities - Empirical Evidence for 12 European CountriesFalk, Martin
2008Trade Effects of Service Liberalization in the EU - Simulation of Regional Macroeconomic Effects for AustriaFritz, Oliver; Streicher, G.
2008Proximity-Concentration Trade-OffBellac, C.; Riegler, R.
2008Policies to attract Foreign Direct Investment: An industry-level analysisBellac, C.; Leibrecht, M.; Stehrer, Robert
2008International Outsourcing and Productivity GrowthFalk, Martin; Wolfmayr, Yvonne
2008Outsourcing and Employment: A Decomposition ApproachKoller, W.; Stehrer, Robert
2008The Impact of Outward FDI in Central and Eastern Europe on Employment in the EU-15 CountriesFalk, Martin; Wolfmayr, Yvonne
2008The Profitability of Austrian Foreign Direct Investment - Reinvestment or Repatriation?Altzinger, W.
2008Testing Gibrat's Law for European Multinational EnterprisesFalk, Martin
2008Fokus Ostintegration: Grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistungserbringung in die neuen EU LänderNowotny, Klaus; Palme, Gerhard
2008Österreichs Attraktivität für ausländische Direktinvestitionen sowie als Standort für Headquarters FunktionenSieber, Susanne
2008Exports, Services and Value Added - A National, International and Regional Analysis for AustriaBayerl, N.; Fritz, Oliver; Hierlaender, Robert; Streicher, G.
2008Producer Services and Competitiveness of Manufacturing ExportsWolfmayr, Yvonne
2008Bilateral FDI Potentials for AustriaEgger, Peter
2008Trade Barriers in Services and Competitive Strengths in the Austrian Service Sector - An Analysis at the Detailed Sector LevelWolfmayr, Yvonne
2008Austrian FDI by main Countries and IndustriesHunya, Gabor
2008Austria's Potential for Trade in ServicesBrandicourt, V.; Schwellnus, C.; Woerz, Julia
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 77 von 77