CFS Working Paper Series, Universität Frankfurt a. M.

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 703
2016House prices, wealth effects and labour supplyDisney, Richard; Gathergood, John
2016The supply of 'safe' assets and fiscal policySchuknecht, Ludger
2016Why do investors buy sovereign default insurance?Augustin, Patrick; Sokolovski, Valeri; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2016Fragmentation and heterogeneity in the euro-area corporate bond market: Back to normal?Zaghini, Andrea
2015The European Central Bank: Building a shelter in a stormKang, Dae Woong; Ligthart, Nick; Mody, Ashoka
2015Corporate investment, debt and liquidity choices in the light of financial constraints and hedging needsBannier, Christina E.; Schürg, Carolin
2015The consumption and wealth effects of an unanticipated change in lifetime resourcesJappelli, Tullio; Padula, Mario
2015Toward a pecking order theory of strategic resource deploymentSchulze, William; Deeds, David; Wuebker, Robert; Kräussl, Roman
2015Monetary policy in Turkey after Central Bank independenceGürkaynak, Refet S.; Kantur, Zeynep; Tas, M. Anil; Yildirim, Secil
2015Completing the unfinished house: Towards a genuine economic and monetary union?Issing, Otmar
2015The "tone effect" of news on investor beliefs: An experimental approachBosman, Ronald; Kräussl, Roman; Mirgorodskaya, Elizaveta
2015Is optimal monetary policy always optimal?Davig, Troy; Gürkaynak, Refet S.
2015Forty years of oil price fluctuations: Why the price of oil may still surprise usBaumeister, Christiane; Kilian, Lutz
2015Risks and returns to education over timeBrown, Jeffrey R.; Fang, Chichun; Gomes, Francisco
2015Das anhaltende Niedrigzinsumfeld in DeutschlandBrühl, Volker; Walz, Uwe
2015How risky is college investment?Hendricks, Lutz; Leukhina, Oksana
2015Anticipation, tax avoidance, and the price elasticity of gasoline demandCoglianese, John; Davis, Lucas W.; Kilian, Lutz; Stock, James H.
2015Political economics of external sovereign defaultsAchury, Carolina; Koulovatianos, Christos; Tsoukalas, John
2015A global lending channel unplugged? Does U.S. monetary policy affect cross-border and affiliate lending by global U.S. banks?Temesvary, Judit; Ongena, Steven; Owen, Ann L.
2015Inside the crystal ball: New approaches to predicting the gasoline price at the pumpBaumeister, Christiane; Kilian, Lutz; Lee, Thomas K.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 703
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