WWZ Discussion Papers & WWZ Working Papers, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum (WWZ), Universität Basel

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 285
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Existence of Steady-State Equilibria in Matching Models with Search FrictionsLauermann, Stephan; Nöldeke, Georg
2014Visualizing Count Data Regressions Using RootogramsKleiber, Christian; Zeileis, Achim
2013Valuation of public investment to support bicycling (FV-09)Hintermann, Beat; Götschi, Thomas
2013A General Equilibrium Analysis of Inflation and Microfinance in Developing CountriesMüller, Daniel
2013Do Firms Benefit from Active Labour Market Policies?Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny; Scioch, Patrycja
2013Does Remuneration Affect the Discipline and the Selection of Politicians? Evidence from Pay Harmonization in the European ParliamentBraendle, Thomas
2013The Aggregate Effects of the Hartz Reforms in GermanyHertweck, Matthias S.; Sigrist, Oliver
2013Do Long-term Unemployed Workers Benefit from Targeted Wage Subsidies?Schünemann, Benjamin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny
2013Smoking bans, cigarette prices and life satisfactionOdermatt, Reto; Stutzer, Alois
2013A Review on Energy Consumption from a Socio-Economic Perspective: Reduction through Energy Efficiency and BeyondSchmidt, Stephan; Weigt, Hannes
2013On moment indeterminacy of the Benini income distributionKleiber, Christian
2013Do Lawyer-Legislators Protect Their Business? Evidence from Voting Behavior on Tort ReformsMatter, Ulrich; Stutzer, Alois
2013Combining Energy Networks: The Impact of Europe's Natural Gas Network on Electricity Markets until 2050Abrell, Jan; Gerbaulet, Clemens; Holz, Franziska; Lorenz, Casimir; Weigt, Hannes
2013Gains from switching and evolutionary stability in multi-player matrix gamesPeña, Jorge; Lehmann, Laurent; Nöldeke, Georg
2013The Doping Threshold in Sport ContestsMüller, Daniel
2013Do Institutions Affect Citizens' Selection into Politics?Braendle, Thomas
2013The effect of firms' partial retirement policies on the labour market outcomes of their employeesHuber, Martin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny
2012The Visible Hand: National Oil Companies, Oil Supply and the Ermergence of the Hotelling RentLudwig, Markus
2012Made in China: Export competition and structural changes in the OECD countriesFlückiger, Matthias; Ludwig, Markus
2012The Effects of Voting Costs on the Democratic Process and Public FinancesHodler, Roland; Luechinger, Simon; Stutzer, Alois
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 285