WWZ Discussion Papers & WWZ Working Papers, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum (WWZ), Universität Basel

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 285
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009On the consistency of hedge fund indexes across providersDietiker, Oliver
2009The Demise of the Swiss Interest Rate PuzzleKugler, Peter; Weder di Mauro, Beatrice
2009Ökonomische Überlegungen zur Kameraüberwachung als Maßnahme gegen den TerrorismusStutzer, Alois; Zehnder, Michael
2009The Life Satisfaction Approach to Environmental ValuationFrey, Bruno S.; Luechinger, Simon; Stutzer, Alois
2009Unilateral climate policy and optimal containtment in an open economyKrysiak, Frank; Csordás, Stefan
2009Stellenverlust und Lohneinbusse durch die Globalisierung? Eine FallstudieWyss, Simone
2008Ist die relative Schlechterstellung niedrig qualifizierter Arbeitskräfte Mythos oder Realität? Eine Analyse der Schweizer Disparität von Lohn und Arbeitslosenquote noch QualifikationWyss, Simone
2008Ethnic Discrimination in Education: The Swiss CaseBauer, Philipp; Sheldon, George
2008Why Does Unemployment Hurt the Employed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and the Private SectorLuechinger, Simon; Meier, Stephan; Stutzer, Alois
2008Blood Donations and Incentives: Evidence from a Field ExperimentGoette, Lorenz; Stutzer, Alois
2008Environmental Policy à la Carte: Letting Firms Choose their RegulationKrysiak, Frank C.; Oberauner, Iris Maria
2008Economic Consequences of Mispredicting UtilityFrey, Bruno S.; Stutzer, Alois
2008Bureaucrats in Parliament: Theory and Evidence on its Determinants in GermanyBraendle, Thomas; Stutzer, Alois
2007The Relationship between Risk-Premium and Convenience-Yield ModelsMarkert, Viola; Zimmermann, Heinz
2007Limited Self-Control, Obesity and the Loss of HappinessStutzer, Alois
2007Firm Characteristics, Economic Conditions and Capital Structure AdjustmentDrobetz, Wolfgang; Pensa, Pascal; Wanzenried, Gabrielle
2007The Returns to Continuous Training in Germany: New Evidence from Propensity Score Matching EstimatorsMuehler, Grit; Beckmann, Michael; Schauenberg, Bernd
2007Estimating the Cost of Executive Stock Options: Evidence from SwitzerlandDrobetz, Wolfgang; Pensa, Pascal; Schmid, Markus M.
2007The Lorenz curve in economics and econometricsKleiber, Christian
2007Fixed-term employment and job satisfaction: Evidence from individual-level data accounting for selectivity biasBeckmann, Michael; Binz, Andrea; Schauenberg, Bernd
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 285