ERSA 2015 - 55th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Lisbon, 2015

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 288
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015Industrialization "without" tariffs: Friedrich List as a forerunner of modern Development EconomicsPontes, Jose Pedro; Pires, Armando J. Garcia
2015Exploring the impacts of water resources on economic development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei RegionLin, Xiaoxia; Sha, Jinghua; Yan, Jingjing
2015Population Growth in American Cities between 1990 and 2010: True Contagion and Urban HierarchyDobis, Elizabeth; Delgado, Michael; Florax, Raymond; Mulder, Peter
2015Investing in lagging regions is efficient: a local multipliers analysis of U.S. citiesvan Dijk, Jasper
2015The well-being of Russian cities: does location matter?Ivanova, Vera
2015Larger pay, longer drives? Location specific wage effects on commuting distancesHaas, Anette; Reichelt, Malte
2015Regional resilience to displacements: Explaining the regional capacity to re-employ displaced workersNyström, Kristina
2015Centralized vs Decentralized Tourism Policies: A Spatial Interaction Model FrameworkCandela, Guido; Mussoni, Maurizio; Patuelli, Roberto
2015Accessibility Indicators for Regional Economic Development: An Application to the Regional Distributive Effects of High-Speed Rail in SpainChen, Guineng; Correia, Marcos; de Abreu e Silva, João
2015An Increase in the Retirement Age in China: The Regional Economic EffectsGroenewold, Nicolaas; Chen, Anping
2015Agglomeration economies, competitiveness and entrepreneurial performancePáger, Balázs; Komlósi, Éva
2015Decomposing the German East-West wage gapWeber, Michael; Kluge, Jan
2015Congestion by accident? Traffic and accidents in EnglandPasidis, Ilias-Nikiforos
2015Famílias produtoras de tabaco: Uma análise institucional de sua qualidade de vida e saúdeGlasenapp, Sirlei; da Silva, Leonardo Xavier; Peiter, Marcia Xavier
2015Políticas públicas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação: uma pesquisa empírica da lei de inovaçãoGuimaraes, Patricia; Xavier, Yanko; do Monte Silva, Lucas
2015Inhabiting, be citizens, that is cum-cives, or customers?Aragona, Stefano
2015The firm's evaluation of local research institutes and universities - an empirical analysis for GermanyCordes, Alexander; Schasse, Ulrich
2015Interactions between financial markets and macroeconomic variables in EU: a nonlinear modeling approachAlbu, Lucian-Liviu; Lupu, Radu; Calin, Adrian Cantemir
2015Entrepreneurship and transition in the European transition countries: Is transition complete?Szerb, László; Trumbull, William
2015Affirmative Action in Higher Education: Impacts of the National Exam in BrazilPereira, Joaquim Israel Ribas; Bittencourt, Mauricio; Braga, Bernardo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 288