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PIDS Discussion Paper Series No. 2000-25
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Makati City
In 1996, a blueprint on the integrated approach towards improving total factor productivity (TFP) in the Philippines was formulated in a document called the National Action Agenda for Productivity: 1997-1998 (NAAP). NAAP achieved modest accomplishments. Thus, there is a need to continue and build on its maiden achievements in order to remove productivity-enhancing barriers both at the sectoral and national level. In support of this objective, The Medium-Term National Action Agenda for Productivity: 2000-2004 (MNAAP) was formulated to promote a globally-competitive Philippine agriculture, industry, and services which will lead to the generation of more jobs, sustained income growth, and poverty alleviation. This vision is consistent with the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan: 1999-2004 (MTPDP) or Angat Pinoy. In achieving its vision, MNAAP has identified five key result areas which should be the focus of its critical activities: (1) science and technology, (2) human resource and labor-management relations, (3) efficiency of product markets, (4) infrastructure, and (5) public sector governance. This report reviews the framework of the MNAAP and the individual components and items in the Program in order to see whether they can indeed address specific problems at the sectoral level. To achieve this objective, different sectoral papers related to various components of the MNAAP are synthesized and integrated in this report. Various issues and gaps are identified relative to the MNAAP framework; and areas for future research are suggested in order to enhance the country’s overall productivity agenda.
Working Paper


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