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CMR Working Papers No. 43/101
University of Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research (CMR), Warsaw
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
The aim of this Working Paper (WP) was to collect existing knowledge both theoretical and methodological on the most contemporary, predominantly post-accession return migration of Poles and also to present their socio-economic portraits through the prism of their attitudes, strategies. This study has been based on the project funded by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development which was conducted by the Centre of Migration Research from November 2008 till March 2009. In fact, the project had been one of the first systematic study relating to the post-accession return migration to Poland: its scale, demographic structure, migration destinations but also to the mechanism of return and reintegration into the Polish labour market. This Working Paper covers also selective analysis of migration and integration theories and their explanatory powers as in relation to the return migration. It also questions the usage of various data sources while studying the phenomenon. However the clou of this study relates to the analysis of unique quantitative data on return migrants from the Polish Labour Force Survey (BAEL) and to qualitative interviews with return migrants operating in the Polish labour market for at least last six months. Concluding remarks bring a kind of 'take off' to further discussion on the nature and character of post-accession return migration to Poland and question, in a sense, a category of return migrant in the space of more or less unrestricted movement of people.
Working Paper

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