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CMR Working Papers No. 65/123
University of Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research (CMR), Warsaw
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
The Working Paper discusses the relations between two kinds of mobility: socio-occupational mobility and international mobility. The first chapter relates to the methodological challenges both of qualitative and quantitative nature. The challenges demand application both, hand in hand, qualitative and quantitative methods. The second chapter presents results of quantitative approach based on data extracting from CMR datasets, collected throughout the time of political and economic transition in Poland. The analyses conducted in this chapter allows for distinguishing two paths of occupational careers, in dichotomy: stable and changing/ ranging. The third chapter discusses qualitative findings of the analysis allowing to understand the role of migration in the occupational paths of migrants. The qualitative approach undertakes two ways of analyses: critical events in people's lives and life history. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches presented in this paper allow for better understanding of both objective (quantitative) and subjective (qualitative) meanings of migration in occupational paths. The meanings can be differentiated, pending on the objective situation of migrants, e.g. structural conditions and migrants' own perception of the role of migration in their lives.
international migration
social mobility
occupational careers
qualitative approach
quantitative approach
Working Paper

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