EERI Research Paper Series, Economics and Econometrics Research Institute (EERI)

ISSN: 2031-4892

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 305
2010A quantitative approach to the effects of social policy measures. An application to Portugal, using Social Accounting MatricesSantos, Susana
2010Economic reforms and manufacturing productivity: Evidence from IndiaGhosh, Saibal
2010Estimating Import-Demand Function in ARDL FrameworkRashid, Abdul; Razzaq, Tayyaba
2010Participatory Decision Making: A Field Experiment on Manipulating the VotesSpada, Paolo; Vreeland, Raymond
2010How to Increase the Growth Rate in South Africa?Kumar, Saten; Pacheco, Gail; Rossouw, Stephanié
2010Exploding Offers and Buy-Now DiscountsArmstrong, Mark; Zhou, Jidong
2010The Role of Additionality in the EU Cohesion Policies: An Example of Firm-Level Investment SupportBrandsma, Andries; Ciaian, Pavel; Kancs, d'Artis
2010What is the Long Run Growth Rate of the East Asian Tigers?Rao, B. Bhaskara; Tamazian, Artur; Singh, Rup
2010Managerial Incentives and Stackelberg Equilibria in OligopolyScrimitore, Marcella
2010Does history matter for the relationship between R&D, Innovation and Productivity?Huergo, Elena; Moreno, Lourdes
2010Estimating ordered categorical variables using panel data: a generalized ordered probit model with an autofit procedurePfarr, Christian; Schmid, Andreas; Schneider, Udo
2010Real Interest Rates, Bubbles and Monetary Policy in the GCC countriesBentour, E. M.; Razzak, W. A.
2010Estimating Gravity Models of International Trade with Correlated Time-Fixed Regressors: To IV or not IV?Mitze, Timo
2010R&D Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprises in IndiaPradhan, Jaya Prakash
2010History, Culture, and Trade: A Dynamic Gravity ApproachCampbell, Douglas L.
2010Hunger Incidence in the Philippines: Facts, Determinants and ChallengesMapa, Dennis S.; Han, Fatima C.; Estrada, Kristine Claire O.
2010Different effects of social capital on health status among residents: evidence from modern JapanYamamura, Eiji
2010An application of statistical interference in DEA models: An analysis of public owned university departments' efficiencyHalkos, George E.; Tzeremes, Nickolaos G.; Kourtzidis, Stavros A.
2010Panel Data Estimates of the Demand for Money in the Pacific Island CountriesKumar, Saten
2010Frontier Techniques: Contrasting the Performance of (Single-) Truncated Order Regression Methods and Replicated MomentsMartins, Ana Paula
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 305