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Results 51-60 of 468.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Mission impossible: Vertical collaboration in UkraineGagalyuk, Taras; Hanf, Jon
2017The effects of rules on local political decision-making processes: How can rules facilitate participation?Theesfeld, Insa; Dufhues, Tom; Buchenrieder, Gertrud
2015Economic growth and nutrition transition: An empirical analysis comparing demand elasticities for foods in China and RussiaBurggraf, Christine; Kuhn, Lena; Zhao, Qi-ran; Teuber, Ramona; Glauben, Thomas
2008The institutional economics of rural development: Beyond market failureValentinov, Vladislav; Baum, Sabine
2022Frontier metrics for a process-based understanding of deforestation dynamicsBaumann, Matthias; Gasparri, Ignacio; Buchadas, Ana; Oeser, Julian; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Levers, Christian; Romero-Muñoz, Alfredo; le Polain de Waroux, Yann; Müller, Daniel; Kuemmerle, Tobias
2014The effects of migration on poverty and inequality in rural KosovoMöllers, Judith; Meyer, Wiebke
2021Nutrition transition with accelerating urbanization? Empirical evidence from rural ChinaRen, Yanjun; Castro Campos, Bente; Peng, Yanling; Glauben, Thomas
2021Editorial. Special Issue: Growth of agroholdings and mega-farms in transition and emerging market economies: Institutional and organizational aspectsGagalyuk, Taras; Meyers, William H.; Balmann, Alfons
2013Challenges and opportunities in mapping land use intensity globallyKuemmerle, Tobias; Erb, Karlheinz; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Müller, Daniel; Verburg, Peter H; Estel, Stephan; Haberl, Helmut; Hostert, Patrick; Jepsen, Martin R.; Kastner, Thomas; Levers, Christian; Lindner, Marcus; Plutzar, Christoph; Verkerk, Pieter Johannes; van der Zanden, Emma H; Reenberg, Anette
2014Food loss and waste as an economic and policy problemKoester, Ulrich