Theoretical Economics – Journal of The Econometric Society

ISSN: 1555-7561

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 572
2017General revealed preference theoryChambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; Shmaya, Eran
2017Bayesian games with a continuum of statesHellman, Ziv; Levy, Yehuda John
2017Improving matching under hard distributional constraintsFragiadakis, Daniel; Troyan, Peter
2017Directives, expressives, and motivationSuzuki, Toru
2017Repeated Nash implementationMezzetti, Claudio; Renou, Ludovic
2017Magical thinking: A representation resultDaley, Brendan; Sadowski, Philipp
2017A theory of political gridlockOrtner, Juan
2017Auction design without quasilinear preferencesBaisa, Brian
2017Double auction with interdependent values: Incentives and efficiencyKojima, Fuhito; Yamashita, Takuro
2017Sequential voting and agenda manipulationBarberà, Salvador; Gerber, Anke
2017Rational expectations and farsighted stabilityDutta, Bhaskar; Vohra, Rajiv
2017Sovereign debt and incentives to default with uninsurable risksBloise, Gaetano; Polemarchakis, Heraklis M.; Vailakis, Yiannis
2017Durable goods monopoly with stochastic costsOrtner, Juan
2017Active learning with a misspecified priorFudenberg, Drew; Romanyuk, Gleb; Strack, Philipp
2017Multinary group identificationCho, Wonki Jo; Ju, Biung-Ghi
2017Dynamic contracting: An irrelevance theoremEső , Péter; Szentes, Balàzs
2017Social distance and network structuresIijima, Ryota; Kamada, Yuichiro
2017Bounding equilibrium payoffs in repeated games with private monitoringSugaya, Takuo; Wolitzky, Alexander
2017Career concerns with exponential learningBonatti, Alessandro; Hörner, Johannes
2017Characterization and uniqueness of equilibrium in competitive insuranceLuz, Vitor Farinha
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 572