Theoretical Economics – Journal of The Econometric Society

ISSN: 1555-7561

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 381 bis 400 von 572
2015An interaction-based foundation of aggregate investment fluctuationsNirei, Makoto
2015Communication and influencePrat, Andrea; de Martí, Joan; Calvó-Armengol, Antoni
2015Characterizing the limit set of perfect and public equilibrium payoffs with unequal discountingSugaya, Takuo
2015Monotonic redistribution of performance-based allocations: a case for proportional taxationCasajus, André
2015Gross substitutes and endowed assignment valuationsOstrovsky, Michael; Paes Leme, Renato
2015Price discrimination through communicationSher, Itai; Vohra, Rakesh
2015Implementation with interdependent valuationsPostlewaite, Andrew; McLean, Richard
2015A theory of school choice lotteriesKesten, Onur; Ünver, M. Utku
2015Unraveling in a repeated moral hazard model with multiple agentsChandrasekher, Madhav
2015Incentive-compatible voting rules with positively correlated beliefsSen, Arunava; Bhargava, Mohit; Majumdar, Dipjyoti
2015BreakdownsKeller, Godfrey; Rady, Sven
2015Strategic uncertainty and the ex-post Nash property in large gamesYu, Haomiao; Khan, M. Ali; Rath, Kali P.; Sun, Yeneng
2015Social activity and network formationBaetz, Oliver
2015Strategy-proofness and efficiency with non-quasi-linear preferences: a characterization of minimum price Walrasian ruleSerizawa, Shigehiro; Morimoto, Shuhei
2015Is utility transferable? a revealed preference analysisCherchye, Laurens; Demuynck, Thomas; De Rock, Bram
2015One-sided uncertainty and delay in reputational bargainingAbreu, Dilip; Pearce, David G.; Stacchetti, Ennio
2015Maximal revenue with multiple goods: nonmonotonicity and other observationsReny, Philip J.; Hart, Sergiu
2015Serial dictatorship: the unique optimal allocation rule when information is endogenousBade, Sophie
2015Transparency and price formationKaya, Ayça; Liu, Qingmin
2015Rationalizable partition-confirmed equilibriumKamada, Yuichiro; Fudenberg, Drew
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 381 bis 400 von 572