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2021Peer effects on the United States Supreme Court
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 981-1019
Holden, Richard; Keane, Michael P.; Lilley, Matthew
2021A generalized approach to indeterminacy in linear rational expectations models
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 843-868
Bianchi, Francesco; Nicolò, Giovanni
2021A unified framework for efficient estimation of general treatment models
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 779-816
Ai, Chunrong; Linton, Oliver; Motegi, Kaiji; Zhang, Zheng
2021Specification tests for non-Gaussian maximum likelihood estimators
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 683-742
Fiorentini, Gabriele; Sentana, Enrique
2021Bandits in the lab
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 1021-1051
Hoelzemann, Johannes; Klein, Nicolas Alexandre
2021Average crossing time: An alternative characterization of mean aversion and reversion
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 903-944
Donaldson, John B.; Mehra, Rajnish
2021Bullying among adolescents: The role of skills
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 945-980
Sarzosa, Miguel; Urzua, Sergio
2021Inference on semiparametric multinomial response models
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 743-777
Khan, Shakeeb; Ouyang, Fu; Tamer, Elie T.
2021Rationalizing rational expectations: Characterizations and tests
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 817-842
D'Haultfœuille, Xavier; Gaillac, Christophe; Maurel, Arnaud
2021Saddle cycles: Solving rational expectations models featuring limit cycles (or chaos) using perturbation methods
In: Band: 12, 2021, Heft: 3, S. 869-901
Galizia, Dana