Quantitative Economics – Journal of The Econometric Society

ISSN: 1759-7331

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 415
2019All over the map: A worldwide comparison of risk preferencesL'Haridon, Olivier; Vieider, Ferdinand M.
2019Strong convergence and dynamic economic modelsBray, Robert L.
2019Optimal unemployment insurance with monitoringSetty, Ofer
2019Jump factor models in large cross-sectionsLi, Jia; Todorov, Viktor; Tauchen, George Eugene
2019Dynamic selection and distributional bounds on search costs in dynamic unit-demand modelsBlevins, Jason R.; Senney, Garrett T.
2019Communication and behavior in organizations: An experimentEvdokimov, Piotr; Garfagnini, Umberto
2019Labor market sorting and health insurance system designAizawa, Naoki
2019Identification of games of incomplete information with multiple equilibria and unobserved heterogeneityAguirregabiria, Victor; Mira, Pedro
2019Normality tests for latent variablesAlmuzara, Martín; Amengual, Dante; Sentana, Enrique
2019The aggregate effects of labor market frictionsElsby, Michael W. L.; Michaels, Ryan; Ratner, David L.
2019A divide and conquer algorithm for exploiting policy function monotonicityGordon, Grey; Qiu, Shi
2019The right stuff? Personality and entrepreneurshipHamilton, Barton Hughes; Papageorge, Nicholas W.; Pande, Nidhi
2019The long run health consequences of rural-urban migrationJohnson, Janna E.; Taylor, Evan J.
2019Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis for economic modelsHarenberg, Daniel; Marelli, Stefano; Sudret, Bruno; Winschel, Viktor
2019Uncertainty about future income: Initial beliefs and resolution during collegeGong, Yifan; Stinebrickner, Todd R.; Stinebrickner, Ralph
2019HIP, RIP, and the robustness of empirical earnings processesHoffmann, Florian
2019Eliciting risk preferences using choice listsFreeman, David; Halevy, Yoram; Kneeland, Terri
2019Nonstationary dynamic models with finite dependenceArcidiacono, Peter; Miller, Robert Allen
2019Improved inference on the rank of a matrixChen, Qihui; Fang, Zheng
2019College choice, selection, and allocation mechanisms: A structural empirical analysisCarvalho Júnior, José Raimundo de Araújo; Magnac, Thierry; Xiong, Qizhou
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 415