Quantitative Economics – Journal of The Econometric Society

ISSN: 1759-7331

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 415
2022Market counterfactuals and the specification of multiproduct demand: A nonparametric approachCompiani, Giovanni
2022A consistent specification test for dynamic quantile modelsHorvath, Peter; Li, Jia; Liao, Zhipeng; Patton, Andrew J.
2022Information theoretic approach to high-dimensional multiplicative models: Stochastic discount factor and treatment effectQiu, Chen; Otsu, Taisuke
2022Four decades of Canadian earnings inequality and dynamics across workers and firmsBowlus, Audra J.; Bonenfant, Émilien Gouin; Liu, Huju; Lochner, Lance; Park, Youngmin
2022Child work and cognitive development: Results from four low to middle income countriesKeane, Michael P.; Krutikova, Sonya; Neal, Timothy
2022The evolution of the earnings distribution in a volatile economy: Evidence from ArgentinaBlanco, Andrés; Diaz de Astarloa, Bernardo; Drenik, Andres; Moser, Christian; Trupkin, Danilo R.
2022Rising skill premium and the dynamics of optimal capital and labor taxationTsai, Yi-Chan; Yang, C. C.; Yu, Hsin-Jung
2022Revealing a preference for mixtures: An experimental study of riskFeldman, Paul; Rehbeck, John
2022Inequality, income dynamics, and worker transitions: The case of MexicoPuggioni, Daniela; Calderón, Mariana; Cebreros Zurita, Alfonso; Fernández Bujanda, León; Inguanzo González, José Antonio; Jaume, David
2022Asymmetric conjugate priors for large Bayesian VARsChan, Joshua
2022Global trends in income inequality and income dynamics: New insights from GRIDGuvenen, Fatih; Pistaferri, Luigi; Violante, Giovanni L.
2022Income dynamics in the United Kingdom and the impact of the Covid-19 recessionBell, Brian; Bloom, Nicholas; Blundell, Jack
2022Choice, deferral, and consistencyCosta-Gomes, Miguel A.; Cueva, Carlos; Gerasimou, Georgios; Tejiésécák, Matúés
2022Inequality and dynamics of earnings and disposable income in Denmark 1987-2016Leth-Petersen, Søren; Sæverud, Johan
2021Linear regression with many controls of limited explanatory powerLi, Chenchuan Mark; Müller, Ulrich K.
2021Identification of counterfactuals in dynamic discrete choice modelsKalouptsidi, Myrto; Scott, Paul T.; Rodrigues, Eduardo Augusto de Souza
2021Robust inference in deconvolutionKato, Kengo; Sasaki, Yuya; Ura, Takuya
2021Blurred boundaries: A flexible approach for segmentation applied to the car marketGrigolon, Laura
2021Is idiosyncratic risk conditionally priced?Mehra, Rajnish; Wahal, Sunil; Xie, Daruo
2021Controlling for presentation effects in choiceBreitmoser, Yves
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 415