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Results 291-300 of 355.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005What does European institutional integration tell us about trade integration?Mongelli, Francesco Paolo; Dorrucci, Ettore; Agur, Itai
2022Global value chains: Measurement, trends and driversCigna, Simone; Gunnella, Vanessa; Quaglietti, Lucia
2004Fair value accounting and financial stabilityEnria, Andrea; Cappiello, Lorenzo; Dierick, Frank; Grittini, Sergio; Haralambous, Andrew; Maddaloni, Angela; Molitor, Philippe; Pires, Fatima; Poloni, Paolo
2008Real convergence and the determinants of growth in EU candidate and potential candidate countries - a panel data approachBorys, Magdalena Morgese; Polgár, Éva Katalin; Zlate, Andrei
2022Two-tier system for remunerating excess reserve holdingsBoucinha, Miguel; Burlon, Lorenzo; Corsi, Marco; Della Valle, Guido; Eisenschmidt, Jens; Marmara, Iwona; Pool, Sebastiaan; Schumacher, Julian; Vergote, Olivier
2022The economic impact of next generation EU: A euro area perspectiveBańkowski, Krzysztof; Bouabdallah, Othman; Semeano, João Domingues; Dorrucci, Ettore; Freier, Maximilian; Jacquinot, Pascal; Modery, Wolfgang; Rodríguez Vives, Marta; Valenta, Vilém; Zorell, Nico
2019Anticipating the bust: A new cyclical systemic risk indicator to assess the likelihood and severity of financial crisesLang, Jan Hannes; Izzo, Cosimo; Fahr, Stephan; Ruzicka, Josef
2011Beyond the economics of the euro - analysing the institutional evolution of EMU 1999-2010, September 2011Salines, Marion; Glöckler, Gabriel; Truchlewski, Zbigniew; del Favero, Paola
2020A review of economic analyses on the potential impact of BrexitL'Hotellerie-Fallois, Pilar; Vergara Caffarelli, Filippo; Geeroms, Hans; de Almeida, Ana M.; Bisciari, Patrick; Byrne, Stephen; Campos, Rodolfo; Conefrey, Thomas; Cappariello, Rita; Damjanović, Milan; Estrada, Angel; Gunnella, Vanessa; Gutiérrez Chacón, Eduardo; Haincourt, Sophie; Hoeberichts, Marco; Kadow, Alexander; Van Limbergen, Duncan; Mancini, Michele; Martín Machuca, César; Roth, Moritz; Sastre, Teresa; Timini, Jacopo; International Relations Committee of the ESCB, Brexit Task Force
2021Catch me (if you can): Assessing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via euro cashTamele, Barbora; Zamora-Pérez, Alejandro; Litardi, Chiara; Howes, John; Steinmann, Eike; Todt, Daniel Matthias