Working Paper Series in Economics, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

ISSN: 1860-5508

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 429
2015Hidden climate change related risks for the private sectorBrunsmeier, Annette; Groth, Markus
2015Relevance and detection problems of margin squeeze: The case of German gasoline pricesKleineberg, Christoph; Wein, Thomas
2015All along the data watch tower: 15 years of European data watch in Schmollers JahrbuchWagner, Joachim
2015Drug prices, rents, and votes in the German health care market: An application of the Peltzman modelBusch, Anne Maria
2015Trade dynamics and trade costs: First evidence from the exporter and importer dynamics database for GermanyWagner, Joachim
2015Environmental regulation and sustainable competitiveness: Evaluating the role of firm-level green investments in the context of the Porter hypothesisStoever, Jana; Weche, John P.
2015Life satisfaction in Germany after reunification: Additional insights on the pattern of convergencePetrunyk, Inna; Pfeifer, Christian
2015Drug prices and pressure group activities in the German health care market: An application of the Becker modelBusch, Anne Maria
2015Marktbeherrschung im Tankstellenmarkt Fehlender Binnen- und Außenwettbewerb an der Tankstelle? Deskriptive Evidenz für MarktbeherrschungNeukirch, Arne; Wein, Thomas
2015Meta-analytic cointegrating rank tests for dependent panelsKaraman Örsal, Deniz Dilan; Arsova, Antonia
2015Unfair wage perceptions and sleep: Evidence from German survey dataPfeifer, Christian
201525 Jahre Nutzung vertraulicher Firmenpaneldaten der amtlichen Statistik für wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung: Produkte, Projekte, Probleme, PerspektivenWagner, Joachim
2015Share of exports to low-income countries, productivity, and innovation: A replication study with firm-level data from six European countriesWagner, Joachim
2015Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht 2014Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
2015R&D activities and extensive margins of exports in manufacturing enterprises: First evidence for GermanyWagner, Joachim
2015Die Relevanz von Klimawandelfolgen für Kritische Infrastrukturen am Beispiel des deutschen EnergiesektorsGroth, Markus; Cortekar, Jörg
2015A survey of empirical studies using transaction level data on exports and importsWagner, Joachim
2014Low-productive exporters are high-quality exporters: Evidence from GermanyWagner, Joachim
2014Firm age and the margins of international trade: Comparable evidence from five European countriesWagner, Joachim
2014Credit constraints and margins of import: First evidence for German manufacturing enterprisesWagner, Joachim
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 429