Working Paper Series in Economics, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

ISSN: 1860-5508

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 429
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Uncovered workers in plants covered by collective bargaining: Who are they and how do they fare?Hirsch, Boris; Lentge, Philipp; Schnabel, Claus
2022How to limit the spillover from the 2021 inflation surge to inflation expectations?Dräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael; Pfajfar, Damjan
2022Firm survival and gender of firm owner in times of COVID-19: Evidence from 10 European countriesWagner, Joachim
2022Website premia for extensive margins of international firm activities: Evidence for SMEs from 34 countriesWagner, Joachim
2021Is the word of a gentleman as good as his tweet? Policy communications of the Bank of EnglandLamla, Michael; Vinogradov, Dmitri V.
2021The hidden heterogeneity of inflation and interest rate expectations: The role of preferencesDräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael; Pfajfar, Damjan
2021With a little help from my website: Firm survival and web presence in times of COVID-19 - Evidence from 10 European countriesWagner, Joachim
2021The transition from school to post-secondary education - What factors affect educational decisions?Seidel, Katja
2021Distributional effects of carbon pricing by transport fuel taxationJacobs, Leif; Quack, Lara; Mechtel, Mario
2021The good have a website: Evidence on website premia for firms from 18 European countriesWagner, Joachim
2021Non-base compensation and the gender pay gapHirsch, Boris; Lentge, Philipp
2021Forschungsbericht 2020Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
2021Of housewives and feminists: Gender norms and intra-household division of labourGörges, Luise
2020Export boosting policies and firm behaviour: Review of empirical evidence around the worldSrhoj, Stjepan; Vitezi´c, Vanja; Wagner, Joachim
2020Privacy paradox - Economic uncertainty theory and legal consequencesGeschonke, Sarah; Wein, Thomas
2020Cartel behavior and efficient sanctioning by criminal sentencesWein, Thomas
2020Impact of cross-border competition on the German retail gasoline market - German-Polish borderKahl, Mats P.
2020Market definition of the German retail gasoline industry on highways and those in the immediate vicinityKleineberg, Christoph
2020Organised labour, labour market imperfections, and employer wage premiaDobbelaere, Sabien; Hirsch, Boris; Müller, Steffen; Neuschäffer, Georg
2020Markups and concentration in the context of digitization: Evidence from German manufacturing industriesWeche, John P.; Wagner, Joachim
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 429