Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des Leibniz-Instituts für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 216
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011Bigger fish in small pond: The interaction between foreigners' trading and emerging stock market returns under the microscopeÜlkü, Numan; Weber, Enzo
2011Migration, transfers and child laborDimova, Ralitza; Epstein, Gil S.; Gang, Ira N.
2011Determinants of internal migration in KazakhstanAldashev, Alisher; Dietz, Barbara
2011Financial efficiency and the ownership of Czech firmsHanousek, Jan; Koécenda, Evézen; Maésika, Michal
2011Non-stationary interest rate differentials and the role of monetary policyMatros, Philipp; Weber, Enzo
2011The Penn Effect and transition: The new EU member states in international perspectiveFrensch, Richard; Schmillen, Achim
2011Is caste destiny? Occupational diversification among dalits in rural IndiaGang, Ira; Sen, Kunal; Yun, Myeong-Su
2011Life (dis)satisfaction and decision to migrate: Evidence from central and Eastern EuropeOtrachshenko, Vladimir; Popova, Olga
2011Revealed informal activityDimova, Ralitza; Gang, Ira N.; Landon-Lane, John
2011Migration and remittances in Kazakhstan: First evidence from a household surveyDietz, Barbara; Gatskova, Kseniia; Schmillen, Achim
2011Migration as a substitute for informal activities: Evidence from TajikistanAbdulloev, Ilhom; Gang, Ira N.; Landon-Lane, John
2011Converging wages, diverging GRP: Directed technical change and endogenous growth. Empirical analysis of growth patterns across Kazakh regionsAldashev, Alisher
2011Where to work? Gender differences in labor market outcomes during economic crisisDimova, Ralitza; Gang, Ira N.; Landon-Lane, John
2011The exporter wage premium reconsidered destinations, distances and linked employer-employee dataSchmillen, Achim
2010The empire is dead, long live the empire! Values and human interactions 90 years after the fall of the Habsburg empireBecker, Sascha O.; Boeckh, Katrin; Hainz, Christa; Woessmann, Ludger
2010The fixed wage puzzle: Why profit sharing is so hard to implementJerger, Jürgen; Michaelis, Jochen
2010Can we identify Balassa-Samuelson effects with measures of product variety?Frensch, Richard; Schmillen, Achim
2010Surveying transitional experience and subjective well-being: Income, work, familySelezneva, Ekaterina
2010Migration and remittances in Macedonia: A reviewDietz, Barabara
2010Divide and privatize: Firms break-up and performanceKoécenda, Evézen; Hanousek, Jan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 216